Last Login: 07/01/2013 10:54 pm
Registered: 06/20/2008
Gender: Female
dashing through the snow on a old pear of skies down the heals we go smashing in to trees the snow is turning red i thank I'm almost dead jingle bells jingle bells my o my o my got a knife oops i thank that was my wife.
this land is my land this land isn't your land i got a shot gun and u don't have won i blow your head off if u don't get off this land is private property.
joy 2 the world miss k baker is dead we Barbecued her head don't worry about the body we flushed it down the pody round and round it went woo round and round it went woo.
these are my friends i know in real life. ~♥~
my best sisters ever they are the best ppl u ever meet
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