
i'm 14 years of age. i am who i am. you are never going to change that. i don't have a label. i am hope. i live in a pathetically small town of 2,000 something people in oklahoma. sometimes i feel like i gotta get out of that town but for the most part, its pretty cool. you know everybody; everybody knows you. its both good and bad. everyone knows everyone else's business, and rumors spread really quick. but its a good place to live i guess. i am an only child, sort of. i have an almost step brother. hes my real dad's (who lives in new hampshire) girl friend's son. he's, pretty cool, to bad i don't get to see him. i am very random. i can be sooo happy and hyper on some days, and on others i ask strangers if they have a gun i can shoot myself with (lmao, insider). i don't know what it is about some of the people in my class, but they don't like me or my friends too much. they can get over it. usually i dont care when people talk about me, but if it's someone i thought i trusted, i will get mad. sometimes i'm too paraniod about that stuff. if you have any questions, send me a message or leave me a comment.