Mel or 'hobosoftheroldunite', which is how I used to know you. I can't remember a lot about you. It's mostly hilarious conversations on Gaia. You have apparently left this world and I 'm reallly sorry about that.
I truly hope you have found peace. All I can give you is a 'thank you' and an enormous hug for you and your family. Go on, you are finally free.
I've heard a lot about you, from someone who cared about you a lot. That would be James. I wish I could have known you. But its kind of impossible now...Rest In Paradise...
Mel, it's been one year. I can't get you off my mind, not that I'd want to. But. I drove by your old house today and down by where the accident happened. I lost it. I just miss you so much. I feel that writing on here might be the only way I can express anything. I guess last week some people made shirts for you, nobody told me. But if they would have, I would have made one too. I feel as though most of your friends don't realize how close you and I got near the end. I mean, every day we were together. You were my best friend. You still are. I miss you Mel. I love you and I always will.
Tomorrow it will be a year, i swear it gets harder everyday. Theres not a day thats goes by where i dont think about u! Oh and i finally made a shirt that says "melanie's buddy"!
Your dad and me got u a purple christmas to put on ur grave, its beautiful! i wish u were here and we could surprise attack ur mom's car with snowballs again when she drives by to come pick u up! n_n Or u could make fun of me cuz im a runner! Its never the same without you, u always made everything better. I miss u Mel!
Forever ur bff!
today makes 9 months sense you doesn't really get any easier...i just got back from ohio yesterday I had a good week there but it would have been better if you were still around....your mom showed me a letter you had written to me and it made me laugh a little but i was kind of sad after reading it because i know no matter what i will never be able to tell you anything face to face...we cant chat on msn anymore...we cant talk on the phone till around 3 sucks that your gone mel and i will always miss you
Melanie Kate, I miss you more than anything.
From our walks around town and to the mall, our late nights at her house, calling people from out of state we had never talked to, gaia chats even though we were on the phone, her coming over right after we both got off the bus, awkward conversations, speaking in french, your mom buying us foood and bringing it to us while we were on our walks, trips to cvs and dairy queen, begging your mom to get your lip peirced, playing on the state road playground, playing two person tag and hide and seek, planning our summer and spring break, drawing pictures, making owls, crafting up bracelets, talking about elementary school, making fun of eachother, doing our makeup to look like french whores, planning your first concert, calling Jarred at 2 in the morning then having him hang up, talking about becoming ninjas as our profession, you punching me when I called you my little firecrotch, listening to fireflies and tdwp, you, Sarah, and I in shop class 8th grade, and so ******** much more I can't even list. Girl, you made my years. 6 of them to be exact, or well, that's when we first became friends.
I'll always remember you Melanie, whenever I eat ramen, or come on gaia, or even just when I wake up, you're always on my mind.
Miss you,
Love Taylor.
OMF they aare like lil notes from friends....YES I HAVE FRIENDS!!!!!
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I truly hope you have found peace. All I can give you is a 'thank you' and an enormous hug for you and your family. Go on, you are finally free.
Your dad and me got u a purple christmas to put on ur grave, its beautiful! i wish u were here and we could surprise attack ur mom's car with snowballs again when she drives by to come pick u up! n_n Or u could make fun of me cuz im a runner! Its never the same without you, u always made everything better. I miss u Mel!
Forever ur bff!
From our walks around town and to the mall, our late nights at her house, calling people from out of state we had never talked to, gaia chats even though we were on the phone, her coming over right after we both got off the bus, awkward conversations, speaking in french, your mom buying us foood and bringing it to us while we were on our walks, trips to cvs and dairy queen, begging your mom to get your lip peirced, playing on the state road playground, playing two person tag and hide and seek, planning our summer and spring break, drawing pictures, making owls, crafting up bracelets, talking about elementary school, making fun of eachother, doing our makeup to look like french whores, planning your first concert, calling Jarred at 2 in the morning then having him hang up, talking about becoming ninjas as our profession, you punching me when I called you my little firecrotch, listening to fireflies and tdwp, you, Sarah, and I in shop class 8th grade, and so ******** much more I can't even list. Girl, you made my years. 6 of them to be exact, or well, that's when we first became friends.
I'll always remember you Melanie, whenever I eat ramen, or come on gaia, or even just when I wake up, you're always on my mind.
Miss you,
Love Taylor.
It has already been 5 months and i hate it!!!
I miss you hun!