I LOVE InuYasha! In case you couldn't tell...
I don't care much for Kikyou. She can
go die in a hole for all I
care. Actually, she does die at
the end. But that's not my point...
She tried to drag InuYasha to hell
with her; that's damn near unforgivable!
Koga's okay, as long as he stays away from Kagome...
And Japan. LOVE Japan. I wish I lived there... Always have, always will.
I Live for writing. Letters course though my veins, sentences beat in my heart, ideas pop into my head at all hours of the day and night. I'm always writing. And when I'm not writing, I'm thinking about writing or I'm reading. Because you can't be a good writer if you're not a good reader, that's all there is to it. Writers are people who fall in love with words and sentences and cry at absolutely amazing writing, or when they finish a really good book. Writers are people who have to feel every single word of what they write, otherwise the words mean nothing. Writers have to break their own hearts during the course of writing something, then mend it when they're done, only to have to do it all over again. Writers have to really feel for their characters, even the bad ones, and develop complex yet seemingly simple personalities and relationships between themselves and the characters. Writers write all that they can, and then, when they're in the middle of it all and on a roll, they get stuck; writer's block sets in. Some writers get stuck for years on end, thankfully, when I get stuck, the longest it's ever lasted was a month... At the end of the day, being a writer is extremely difficult and challenging, it's demanding and exhausting, and your audience/readers are sometimes unappreciative of all the hard work you do, but if you don't care and in your heart of hearts still live for writing and you still love it, then you're a true writer. I, for one, am proud to say I'm a true writer. The only thing I can't figure out? A sure fire cure for writer's block...
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