I needed to update this badly. I didn't even remember about this XDusername : Hikaru_love18
gender : Female
age/DOB : April 14
interest : Anime, art(drawing & painting), music, poetry, plays, space, photography, philosophy, cute animals
other : Sports, hanging out w/ friends, being in play productions, making desserts, being a couch potato around the computer as a relaxing thing
Ok, How about putting my dream avi here?
Total Value: 6,823,589 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Happy Capsule
Angelic Manner
Hidden Ace
Magical Mender
Talsi's Sash
Hidden Ace 3rd Gen.
Form of Arachna
Frigid Night Jewel
Bad Moon 4th Gen.
Hidden Ace 6th Gen.
Noel's Gift 3rd Gen.
Yeah...I'm one picky girl lol!