hihi_kitty kat_

hihi_kitty kat_'s avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 12/14

My Playlist Man!!

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My buisnezz!

hey.. my name is quiarah bt u can refer to me as kitty kat or rainbow curly q... i am a nice person bt i hav my moods nd can get mean if nessicary.. my best friend in the whole wide world is sierra.. we hav our momentz..gud n bad... bt we can relate n tell each otha EVRYTHING... she is ma boo boo.... lol bt ma boyfriend is dominic n we have known each otha foeva... we hav lik nothing incommon bt rlly carin fo each otha! lol i know im embarissen u!! smile i luv to tlk nd i luv my franz even more... i am a total band geek nd u can totalyy rely on me to keep a secret that muzn b told.. i only read very little anime nd manga bt i luv to draw it... i hav a little skill bt i dont rely on it.. hit me up if u wanna now more...
luv ya,
hihi_kitty kat_

All my sad stories....nt rlly

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a place to write

um... there not much to seee unless u wanna see my bad grammer and all of the stories i have to offer and all this otha stuff.... note: all names will b changed for security reasons cough cough**emily**cough(wink wink) lol

my philosiphy...i think...wait wut is that again...

It'z lik a road trip. You never really know how long it'z gunna last and if ur actually gunna enjoy the ride. So to make it all the better u spend it with the people u love or grow to. So don't waist ur time on those fake people cuz it'll just make ur time waisted on people who don't really care about you or wut happenz. The onez who care are a pain in the butt and ask "Are we there yet" when you don't know were "yet" is, tere the onez who tell you to slow down even though you don't want to. They actually care so look for thoes people nd nt the onez who tell u "Go farther" nd "ur too slow". choose your company nd coose whisley.
Nightmare Biscuit

who cute page is this??

wooow shez so dragon i dont know wut it meanz... her n her dragoniss will dominate!!


HI! Im too sactc for my own god!! hit me up on myspace...(email... quiarahlovesgreen@hotmail.com)...(not my personal eail btw)