Name: Ivy Tan
Gender: Female
Birthday: August 9th, 1965
Country: Singapore
Motto: "Majulah Singapura" and it means "Onward, Singapore"
Companion: A Malay Tiger by the name of Laifu
Likes: China Nii-Chan, Bandung, Bak Chor Mee, Flowers, Ribbons, Tigers, Colour Red, Cheongsams
Dislikes: Rude people, being alone
Personality: Can be high-strung, but usually rather calm. Loves friends, but sometimes shys away from being social.
Height: 169 cm
Weight: 47 kg
Looks: Straight, dark-brown hair down to her waist. Relaxed, deeply-coloured brown eyes. Not much of a chest, but well curved. Usually adorned in red and golden ribbons. Wears cheongsams and matching slippers or flats.
Bio/History: Singapore is more of a SouthEast Asian city-state, rather than a Country. It's land area only measures to 273 square miles (707.1 square kilometers) and is fairly young compared to other Countries, but none the less, very successful. The name 'Singapore' originated from a myth, but it comes from the Malay words 'Singa' for lion and 'Pura' for city. It was a major center of trade with China, India and Malay. Unfortunetly for Singapore, by the 19th Century, England's ruling of her influenced the Country greatly. Their food, luckily, had more of an influence from those she traded with. China, India and Malaysia. Either way, the failure that Britain is, he was not able to protect Singapore from the occupation of the Japanese during WW2. After the Merger with Malaysia and subsequent separation, Singapore become a leader in global financing and trading in the 1970s. Nowadays, it is still a leader of international trading.
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