
HerosComeback's avatar

Gender: Female

Location: 400 miles away from my best buds

Occupation: Student and Car high-jacker

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Punk's Not Dead

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What i'm wearin

What will be mine

Heres what you need to know

I'm basically everything but normal. Those of us who think would question what normality is but whatever. I love orange, and absolutely love anime. I have my morals and follow by them but I'm extremely lazy and a major hypocrite. Plus I can't spell for my life. I have amazing friends that I love so very much and can't wait to see again. At times I can get really deep so don't mind me if I just blank out and..................continue to breathe life into the words that my heart so desperatly cries out. I can act, really good, so you can never quite tell who I am or if I speak the truth. I like to get random sometimes but who doesn't. If you're not afraid to look stupid then how can you ever have any fun?

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What's my motto

Saru mo ki kara orochu, even monkeys fall from trees. Just laugh along the way no matter how much you mess up.
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-Papillon Sombre- Report | 08/22/2009 2:42 pm
-Papillon Sombre-
-Papillon Sombre- Report | 08/15/2009 9:20 pm
-Papillon Sombre-
psssh hell no. that's lame and pathetic. what you is look through the already made ones and figure out someting then make enough gold to get it. it's helpful to use things you already have when making a dream avi and then selling things that are in your inventory that you don't like. ^~^

does that make sense?
-Papillon Sombre- Report | 08/15/2009 9:11 pm
-Papillon Sombre-
hey! we have the same hair ^~^ but anyway, why don't you make a dream avi then
-Papillon Sombre- Report | 08/15/2009 9:03 pm
-Papillon Sombre-
i tend to like being a vampire ^~^ so do you know how to make a dream avi?
-Papillon Sombre- Report | 08/15/2009 8:55 pm
-Papillon Sombre-
hey! what's wrong with being a vampire?
-Papillon Sombre- Report | 08/15/2009 8:46 pm
-Papillon Sombre-
we could fix that ^~^
-Papillon Sombre- Report | 08/15/2009 8:39 pm
-Papillon Sombre-
lol thanks ^~^
death keeper of the souls Report | 08/07/2009 10:42 pm
death keeper of the souls
This is your beloved guild leader Death from "Stained Fangs and Tainted Blood" here with exciting news. Our poor beloved guild had obviously died but now is trying to be reclaimed!
With your help and a little elbow grease we can get her up to all her glory that she used to be. Please post in the "Back again" Forum, to let me know your in this with us!

~Your loving and fearless guild leader

AnimeGirl1223 Report | 07/09/2009 2:05 pm
Stu-Stu13 Report | 05/24/2009 8:26 pm
wisp winter
-Papillon Sombre-

This is the Bad Boyz. And that's boyz with a z which makes you know their bad. All these boyz do is ride on their motorcyclez and show off all their cool tricks. Oh, that motorcyclez with a z as well. Man these boyz are good, i don't even have my liscense yet, and since i saw them my confidence has dropped. Thanks guyz, thanks for ruining my life! Man i am such a lozer. But that's lozer with a z, which makes me kinda cool.