Gender: Female
Location: 400 miles away from my best buds
Occupation: Student and Car high-jacker
This is the Bad Boyz. And that's boyz with a z which makes you know their bad. All these boyz do is ride on their motorcyclez and show off all their cool tricks. Oh, that motorcyclez with a z as well. Man these boyz are good, i don't even have my liscense yet, and since i saw them my confidence has dropped. Thanks guyz, thanks for ruining my life! Man i am such a lozer. But that's lozer with a z, which makes me kinda cool.
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does that make sense?
With your help and a little elbow grease we can get her up to all her glory that she used to be. Please post in the "Back again" Forum, to let me know your in this with us!
~Your loving and fearless guild leader