My inner Hollow... (A conversation with I Gaa I AKA - Hollow Ichigo)
Ichigo: Yes I'm finally starting to embrace that darkness, but I'm still not gonna just let you take over!!!
Hollow Ichigo: Come On Partner. Just one More Step And You'll be There. Perfect Darkness. Perfect Power. Just Give In Already.
Ichigo: You just aren't woth it!
Hollow Ichigo: I'm Not Worth It? And What Will you Say When You Lose The Strength To Even Stand? I'll Always Be Waiting to Knock You Down, King.
Ichigo: Oh Yeah? Well just remember, even with all that power you'll never have what I have! A reason to get up and keep fighting! That's why I'm the king and your the horse! I have people to fight for... So just shut up and go back where you came from! Ya Got that?!?
Hollow Ichigo: Nnnnhahahahahaa. Weak Little Ichigo. At least You're Good At One Thing, And That's Being Stubborn as a Mule. Someone Like You Isn't Fit to be King. I'll Go Back To Where I Came From, Sure, For Now. But I'll Still be Here. And Soon, You'll Be The One Seeking ME Out. Begging Me To Save you From Yourself. You'll See, Ichigo-kun.
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Hi there!!! emotion_rainbow
How are you my friend?
If you don't remember who this is, its Ren Mika! emotion_sweatdrop
Im sorry for not messaging you! Love the artwork! heart
Hope that you are well!! heart
phone (314)921-7838 think i found you on skype too
but if you got discord my user name is Matsu#5704