Name: Ashley Birthday: April 23rd Birthplace: a hospital Title: b***h Owner: no one Where I grew Up: in a house Currently Living: in hell Eye Color: blue grey green Hair Color: brown Height: 5'3 Astrological sign: taurus Shoe size: 8 Religion: Vampires Right handed or Left Handed: right Your Weakness: idk Your Fears:a broken heart. . . Goal you would like to achieve THIS Year: none Biggest goal for next 5 years: Surviving School First thought in the morning:uhhhh. . . .time to go turn the computer on Last thought at night: night? Your bedtime: 9pm - no sleep at all Your most missed memory: i dont know Total Piercings: none yet Total Tattoos: none yet
DO YOU... Smoke: nope Drink: nope Swear: yup Play a Musical Instrument: yep Shower Daily: duh Want to go to college: yes Want to get married: yes Like rainstorms: yes Thunderstorms: hell yes Snowstorms: never been in one. . . Believe in love: yup Believe in Ghost: nope Believe in Angels: nope
PREFERENCE.. Lipton or Nestea: ummm.... idk Cappuccino, Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate: frappuccino Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi McDonalds or Burger King: there the same Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla Perfect Pizza: idk really How do you wish to die: iv died mentaly already What country would you like to visit: any place but italy Favorite Clothing Style: w/e I feel like putting on
HAVE YOU... Ever Drank: yes Smoked: nope Experimented with Drugs: no Ate a complete package of Oreos: yep icon_mrgreen.gif Eaten Sushi: yep Been on stage: yes Been dumped: yup.... Been skinny dipping: no Been Arrested: nope Shoplifted: nope Been Married: nope
OPPOSITE SEX... Age: 13-15 Height: dont care Favorite Eye Color: none Favorite Hair Color none Short or Long Hair: personally I dont care
FAVORITES color: dark numbers: 20 meal: idk dessert: ..something chocolaty.... alcoholic drink:mikes hard lemonad beer: ew... ok.. ew... candy: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. . . soda: Vault bitches ice cream: any thing with caramel sport: football.... soccer.... rugby.... too lol it's more painful.... animal: big snakes breeds of dog: labradoddle sexual position:. . . . . . . . . . brand of jeans: jeans? clothing store: hot topic
HAVE YOU EVER... been in love: yep had a one-night stand:nope been dumped: ...yes... been drunk: nope smoked weed: nope done any other drug: no stolen a street sign: yep shoplifted: nope gotten arrested/done time: nope skinny dipped: nope gotten your a** kicked: no icon_xp.gif wrecked a car: nope broken a bone: na
RANDOM STUFF Do you believe in love at first sight: yep Do you wash your hands after going to the bathroom: duh Do you kiss on the first date: maaaaaaaaybe Do you want to be famous: no, too much cameras Do you like it when it rains: yeps Do you have a good luck charm? ummmm. . . . . I think I do What's the most embarassing CD in your collection? dont Do you collect anything? nope If you were a crayon, what color would you be? purple Where would you go for a perfect honeymoon? uhhhh. . . Do you have a lava lamp? yup Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? nope Do you bite your nails? saddly Can you blow smoke rings? nope. never tried really
I hear your footsteps in the rain I see your footsteps in the sand But the footsteps u left on my heart nature can not mend
Pain and love are just illusions if you dont believe in them you wont feel them.
when life hurts love kills
You make me whole, you make my day, i never want to wake up to find your not there.
Me and zack have been goin out for about 9 months now.Seance 9/19/08 and everything's great. I hope things continue this way. Hes 13 but he will turn 14 in August. Hes two inches taller than me.
Name - Ashley Boyfriend - ♥Zack♥ Age - 14 School - OVO ( some random k-8th school )
Home Work
I really did my homework, I really truly did All neat and crisp It was typed and spell checked An innocent paper, not one single error It was sitting in my pack, between my book and binder I got up all anxious and hyped I ran out the door Forgetting my jacket Not looking at the sky Just ten small jumps and it started to rain My hair plastered my face My back pack was soaked I started to run, heading straight for school The wind picked up, the sun came out Soon I was dry My own personal shower When I got to class I handed my paper over The paper was blank not a smug, not a mark The rain stole my work, washed it away And that is why you have a blank page today
gimpi, vampire hunter hat, black ops gear, gwee the dragon, 2 summoning tomes, assassin guise and a winter rose is what i gave her
so im starting over from scratch...
next time i hope someone who wants items make a deal like that with me lol
words for me
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but whenever the time comes i make deals with people and so on and so forth...
so im starting over from scratch...
next time i hope someone who wants items make a deal like that with me lol
i wanna start off cause its fun and challenging
i get...580.62 i i cant wait to get it