[img:818ac38105]http://i80.photobucket.com/albums/j195/heartlessagony/anime style/anime119.jpg[/img:818ac38105]
Darkness doesn't always equate evil just as light doesn't always bring good.[/align:818ac38105]
Birthday: 03/28
Remind me to update my interests.
I primarily use this to store lyrics and quotes.
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ooo yea LOL kinda like wow at the whole change after graduating from the close knit SHA class~ LOL xDD
loool visit~ xD i wouldd maybee but idk LOL sometimes~ but i always pass by SHA when taking the bus to work every tuesday and saturday tho LOL xDD
uh~ same as last year~ nothing good xD nothing new~ :3
anyways~ hows life treating you danica :3
LOL thanks biggrin the economy here just keeps rotting away though
omg crazy gold crazy users
I've recently started playing on tinierme, have you heard of it before? biggrin
IT'S SO CUTE AND s**t IS CHEAP...even though the market doesnt update too much and the items are mostly wo by chance or with real money >>
IT HAS REALLY CUTE STUFF, I RECOMMEND ITTTTTTTTTTT http://www.tinierme.com/tinierme/top.do
add me if you make one: pshastarr
biggrin dramallama heart heart heart heart heart heart heart
It HAS been foreverrr LOL since like what~ 2 years ago? xD
I go to UHM. ;3 LOL how bout you~ xD HPU i think it was? owo
I'm guud tho~ xD sometimes even great ;3
btw, nice avi danica <3 LOL heart
I should keep up with forums n s**t LOL
I'm good! biggrin
with all of us in school it's so boring thoughhhhhh x___x
I miss you ;D