hay janae

hay janae's avatar

Last Login: 01/25/2021 10:03 am

Registered: 02/23/2005

Gender: Female

Location: California

Birthday: 07/31/1990

Occupation: Tiger Educator, Kennel Manager


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Me and my BFFL are Youtube stars, btw.

Hallo! Welcome to my profile n_n Everyone on Gaia usually calls me Seifu or Sei, but my real life nickname is Janae, so feel free to call me that too =] Especially since I changed my username, haha.
Normally, I'm quite nice and respectful as long as you show me the same respect. Which includes not only the way you speak to me...but whether or not I can understand what you type. If you don't take the time to speak properly and riddle your message with chatspeak, I won't take the time to read it.

I'm tired of life's drama. I'm moving on. I'm reshaping who I am, I'm rediscovering myself. I'm learning not to dwell on details or what I don't have, and wait for things to pan out. I live life to the fullest. I'm not a trouble-maker, I'm a peace-maker. I don't party but i love to jam. I don't drink but I smoke some mad incense. I love Indie, I love chill.
I love my life.

____S t a t s____
>>20 years old
>>College Sophomore
>>Music whore
>>Animal lover
>>Addicted to caffeine HONEY

____F R A N S____
A n d o x p a n d u h: He's my favorite bra-sniffer and the only one that can put up with my queefing ;D ILY
i r s t e e b: He's my favorite azn evar ;D and he's a total HAWDEE. pewpew!
Torie RAWR: My Floridian buddy/wifey! Uhm, it's necessary that we meet at some point. =/ ILYYY
The Masked Vigilante: Coolest ******** Joker ever. Oh, and awesome in everything else. ;D
Sneak-a-Peek: Aleeeeeex. He's the official founder of the ceiling d***o, reminds everyone that I'm Bear Janae of the Honey, and shares my love of Transformers. :3

____I <3____
-The piano. I can't play, but I love the sound of it.
-Buttered, greasy popcorn =D
-People I can relate to
-Nice guys
-People who make me laugh
-People I can make laugh
-My iPod
-Cold weather
-Peace and quiet
-Meeting new people

___M u s i c___
Waaay too much to list. I can listen to anything but country, so in terms of bands/artists I listen to, it's a long list. I have a fondness for alternative, for chill music. I love movie scores and dramatic background music; both inspire me immensely.
Buuuut, here's just a few...

Gary Jules, Tool, The Decemberists, The Format, The Shins, Moby, Coldplay, Phil Collins, Dave Matthews, Ingrid Michaelson, Frou Frou, Pearl Jam, Apocalyptica, Blue October, Dead Can Dance, Feist, Globus, Jack's Mannequin, The Killers, Lily Allen, Mae, Meiko, MoZella, Kenna, Nico, A Perfect Circle, Yael Naim, Santogold, the Postal Service, Sia, Regina Spektor, Immediate Music, xRay Dog, 3oh!3, The Receiving End of Sirens, Thrice, MIA, Kimya Dawson, Kanye West, The Dear Hunter, Kaddisfly, The Sound of Animals Fighting, Imogen Heap, A Bat for Lashes, Dirty Projectors, Pinback, Secret and Whisper, Iron and Wine, The Great Northern, Lady of the Sunshine, Angus & Julia Stone, Eddie Vedder, Regina Spektor, MGMT, The Devil Wears Prada, Empire of the Sun, Lady Gaga, Sea Wolf, Seabear, Porcelain and the Tramps, Glee Cast, Simon and Garfunkel, Bebe, Bora Yoon, Jethro Tull, Dido, My Brightest Diamond, Florence and the Machine, Paper Rival, Passion Pit, Scissor Sisters, Wax Tailor, Charlotte Savary, Wolftron, Daphne Loves Derby, Sigur Ros, Pink Floyd, Black Sabbath

___<3 M o v i e s___
Pirates of the Caribbean(all three), Lord of the Rings trilogy, TRANSFORMERS, TRANSFORMERS 2, The Wicker Man, HairSpray, V for Vendetta, Jurassic Park, Jurassic Park 2, Jurassic Park 3, 2Fast 2Furious, Fast and Furious Tokyo Drift, Hellboy, Spiderman, Friday, SWEENEY TODD, 300, Shattered, Dark Knight, Incredible Hulk, Iron Man, Juno, Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist, Narnia(both), Edward Scissorhands, Napoleon Dynamite, Silent Hill, The Lion King ;D , Cloverfield, Harry Potter(all of them), I am Legend, Wanted, Alice in Wonderland, Pride and Prejudice, Hard Candy

___T e l e v i s i o n___
House, Law and Order, Family Guy, Futurama, American Dad, Room Raiders, Made, The Real World, America's Next Top Model, The Office, Juvies, Rob and Big, Celebrity Fit Club, Charm School, Celebrity Rehab, The Challege, Blue Planet, Planet Earth, Animal Cops, Deadliest Catch, Mythbusters, Dirty Jobs, Cash Cab, Project Runway, My Life on the D-List, Girls Next Door, Storm Chasers, It's Me or the Dog, Whale Wars, Any nature program.

___V i d e o G a m e s___
Need for Speed(the WHOLE franchise), Okami, Spyro(Up to Year of the Dragon), Dirge of Cerberus, Final Fantasy XII, God of War, Kingdom Hearts(one and two), Halo(The first, third, and ODST), Jak and Daxter(just teh first), Guitar Hero(two and three), Jurassic Park Warpath, Super Mario Sunshine, Super Smash Brothers Melee, Cabela's Dangerous Hunts, Silent Hill 3, Silent Hill Origins, Transformers, Borderlands

Pokemon(ALL OF THEM), Mario(various), Darkstalkers, Diddy Kong Racing DS, Donkey Kong, Ace Combat, Megaman Zero 2, Sonic(I forget which exactly), Final Fantasy III,
and so much more. I can't even list all the game boy games i have. but those are my tops.


View Journal

Life and Times of a Seifu

Hey, kids, Rock and Roll! Shake hands with the Devil and sell your soul!


View All Comments

D u s k RISING Report | 07/01/2011 10:27 am
Hey, I saw you RP Transformers End of All Hope and I was wondering if I could repost it with your permission.
fael13 Report | 10/11/2010 6:03 am
hi your cute
those whores Report | 10/08/2010 6:42 pm
uggh you fat a**

little_boy_luke Report | 07/18/2010 7:28 am
little_boy_luke Report | 07/18/2010 7:27 am
Coulda I hab some?
little_boy_luke Report | 07/18/2010 7:25 am

What you hab eating?
Retardead Report | 07/18/2010 7:24 am
Hmmmmm chocolate!
Grizzly bare Report | 07/08/2010 5:01 pm
your outfit in your sig is hella cute!
Zigmund Fraud XIII Report | 07/08/2010 3:42 pm
i havnt seen you around in a while you got a lot hotter good job
Intrusive Thoughts Report | 07/02/2010 7:59 pm
id hit it.



what's even the point


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