I'm Hatsumomo Maiyuki. I love Gaming, Anime, and Drawing.My friend did a horoscope for me and it describes me pretty well in good and bad ways.
Sun in Aries-Active, energetic, excitable, impulsive, optimistic, open to change and new experiences, prone to accidents, tendency to get involved in violent and dangerous situations.
Sun in Twelfth House- Likes privacy, difficulty in expressing yourself, success will come later in life, deep spiritual understanding, tend to lead a secluded or lonely life.
Moon in Gemini- Versatile, witty, charming, lively, amusing, disorganized, inconsistent, superficial, cunning, manipulative.
Moon in Second House- Able to earn money creatively, patient, a bit shy, industrious, good endurance, keen sense of responsibility, stubborn, afraid of new beginnings, secretive.
Mercury in Aries- Witty, out-spoken, original, exaggerates often, impatient to get things done, argumentative, tactless, fond of speaking and writing, lucky, frequently suffers from headaches.
Mercury in Twelfth House- Contemplative, self-absorbed, insightful thinker, worries over trifles and inconsequential, instinctive researcher, vulnerable to slander.
Venus in Aries- Impulsive love nature, attracted by physical appearance but stays for personality, strongly sensual and feels best when in a relationship, too restless and flirtatious to settle down, demonstrative and enthusiastic, aggressive, dislikes sloppy appearance and vulgar behavior.
Venus in Twelfth House- Emotional and sensitive, capable of giving true and selfless love, content in privacy, possibility of a secret love affair, artistic and creative urges, danger of unhappy marriage or sexual alliance.
Mars in Gemini- Brilliantly intellectual, incisive and practical, lack force of will, hesitant, passions are easily aroused by sense of adventure, tendency to have a number of affairs or marriages, able to inspire and lead others, talent of convincing others of what you say.
Mars in Tenth House- Energy and initiative in career matters, intense interest in other cultures and religions and philosophy, travel and foreign people may affect you deeply, desire for deeper understanding, tendency to try to impose your views on others.
Jupiter in Gemini- Adventurous attitude, money making opportunities will come through friends and contacts, achieve success in intellectual careers, will profit through communication industry, versatile and clever, change of vocation at one point in life, will make a name for yourself in more than one profession.
Jupiter in Tenth House-Desire to achieve will have good results with your career, confident, social, likely public honor or esteem, ability to win favor of influentials, tendency to a arrogant devil-may-care attitude.
Saturn in Capricorn- Ambitious, independent, dedicated, unswerving, methods can be dictatorial or overbearing, learned early in life to be self sufficient, instinct for doing things the hard way, loneliness through life, prone to melancholy, faithful friends, prone to aches in joints and knees.
Saturn in Third House- Practical and serious mind, want to learn, good observations, likes to deal with facts rather than theories, procrastinate to make the “right” decision, will have difficulties in getting education, contemplative, persevering, conscientious, prone to pessimism, likely estrangement from relatives.
Uranus in Capricorn- Strong inner will to succeed, need to be in authority, unexpected shifts in career, ability to spot future trends, confidence in breaking through old established ideas, thoughtful, forceful, able to organize people, can be tyrannical and domineering, lively satirical wit.
Uranus in Third House-Have an independent and intuitive mind, travel will often come up suddenly, strikingly original in speech or writing, creative, ingenious, versatile, restless, friction with relatives, prone to accidents while traveling.
Neptune in Capricorn- Destined to be thorough and painstaking and to posses great courage once committed to a purpose, creative insights, inspirational ideas.
Neptune in Third House- Impressionable and imaginative mind, psychic feelings about other people, attracted to occult studies, likes to day dream and fantasize, idealistic, intuitive, artistic, discontented, undervalues own capabilities, confused dealings with relatives.
Pluto in Scorpio- Generation of turmoil, penetrating mind, strong will, imaginative, passionate, possess psychic ability, can be ruthless to get one’s own way.
Pluto in Fifth House- Impetuous and passionate, tendency to exaggerate importance of love affairs, strong artistic bent, you feel responsibility towards loved ones, will harbor resentment toward past love.
Ascendant in Pisces- Strong artistic gift, active fantasy life and pronounced romantic outlook, you feel as if you were born in the wrong place or time, tend to be sociable, sentimental, disorganized or careless, trouble with marriage due to in-laws, creative, worries over small or imagined details.
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I was in the hostel..
Hard to get out of there..
5 people - 50g
10 people - 1k
15 people - 10k
27 people -29k
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when the window closed, login again your account and check your gold amount!!