I ship many a ship, I have an armada... yes. I'm twenty, been here since 2009 and terrible at saving. I have a thing for blue, and black is my staple. otherwise, yeah. I have a tumblr (http://hatsukidamaru.tumblr.com/) which is NSFW btw, so caution. Also I play the sims. I also make lots of stuff. Thinking about making avi art but don't know if I want to... I'm in college and studying for an art major to one day become an art professor. That is if I don't end up going into web design. yup.. that's about it.
Blah Blah Blah
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gaia_nitemareleft gaia_crown gaia_nitemareright
but i'm also willing to buy some things off your wishlist c:
my pm's are set to friends only, so i hope comments are ok!
let me know, otherwise i can just wait until stuff sells
i wants them yes emotion_dowant
Have a lovely day emotion_bigheart
BTW I like your pro