about Me
Well... this is my profile so i gues i should describe myself...here goes... :sigh: ok.
I'm 18 years old, I live in Puerto Rico, I'm a rocker, I also listen
to some kinds of jazz... what else?...
I'm interested in anime, videogames and getting a job
(it's about time) since i'm interested in a lot of crap but
can't pay for it.... i'm in college...
I guess if I would describe myself it would be:
I'm kinda tall, very serious, I always have an angry looking stare,
I don't usually talk to people willingly and I guess I don't have
anything to look forward to in my future... i guess that's about it.
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happy birthday!
You live in a zoo
You smell like a monkey,
And you look like on to
Happy Birthday!
(4 2MOZ)