
Hatakemaru's avatar

Gender: Male

Birthday: 05/31/1990


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I want >.>


about Me

Well... this is my profile so i gues i should describe myself...
here goes... :sigh: ok.
I'm 18 years old, I live in Puerto Rico, I'm a rocker, I also listen
to some kinds of jazz... what else?...
I'm interested in anime, videogames and getting a job
(it's about time) since i'm interested in a lot of crap but
can't pay for it.... i'm in college...
I guess if I would describe myself it would be:
I'm kinda tall, very serious, I always have an angry looking stare,
I don't usually talk to people willingly and I guess I don't have
anything to look forward to in my future... i guess that's about it.

Who's watching me?


View All Comments

HiyokuMakato Report | 12/08/2008 8:08 pm
Btw...you use that Scouter for reading? User Image
HiyokuMakato Report | 12/08/2008 7:34 pm
Lokoo!!! I miss you man!! 8(
papercutxkisses Report | 06/01/2008 7:08 am
Happy Birthday! As if i havent already said it in the pm.. whatever.
muffins is hacked Report | 05/31/2008 9:55 pm
i knwo you dont know me but...

happy birthday!
x converse 4 ever x Report | 05/31/2008 7:31 pm
happy birthday!!!!!!!!!! ^_^ ltns! hope u have a day full of dreams!
U n d e r Your Eyes- Report | 05/31/2008 5:38 pm
Happy b-day to you

You live in a zoo

You smell like a monkey,

And you look like on to

Happy Birthday!

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kaneva_evanguardian Report | 05/30/2008 8:41 pm
happy early birthday
Xxbaby_rockerxX Report | 05/30/2008 3:47 pm

(4 2MOZ)

Xxbaby_rockerxX Report | 03/21/2008 8:51 am
Hey, ur my type of guy n i luv ur pro n i luv KSE<3<3<3
x converse 4 ever x Report | 03/11/2008 9:51 pm
ty ^.^

my thoughts

I look for answers for myself, often and quickly reaching brilliant conclusions... but the people don't like my answers, and they call me a blasfimer... I, in turn, distance myself from the people, and then they ask "why"... I do not give my answers, then they get angry and ask "why doesn't he give us answers"... I isolate myself, depraving others and myself from contact... then they call me "antisocial"... I hide in a corner and quietly take my life, then the people ask themselves... "why would he kill himself?"... they then say that I was crazy, or insane... all because I was brilliant... so ask yourself, whitch is better, to be regular, but accepted, or be brilliant, perhaps even the most brilliant person alive, but be rejected and shunned?

brilliance... comes at a price

People must die so other people can live.
