It is the people of Poland, bravely going out to meet Chris' dragons in a bad historical reference. They have no tanks, no real mode of war other than minor guns and spears, for Christ's sake-but wait! What was that noise?!
*Wal mart speaker sounds* Could Chris please come to the service desk to meet your party? Chris to the service desk to get your a** kic-I mean party. Thank you. *End sound*
*Licia bursts up from behind the comment already* ******** the trap, just GET HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM!!!!!!!!!! *Releases rabid children hopped up on sugar, they smear up teh profile with finger paint*
*Licia personally fires a bazooka at the expecting profile, causing a sad mis-MANAGEMENT OF THINGS!*
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I won't be for another year and two weeks. Way to rub it in, yo.
REALLY? [/thatemoticon]
It is the people of Poland, bravely going out to meet Chris' dragons in a bad historical reference. They have no tanks, no real mode of war other than minor guns and spears, for Christ's sake-but wait! What was that noise?!
*Wal mart speaker sounds* Could Chris please come to the service desk to meet your party? Chris to the service desk to get your a** kic-I mean party. Thank you. *End sound*
*Licia bursts up from behind the comment already* ******** the trap, just GET HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM!!!!!!!!!! *Releases rabid children hopped up on sugar, they smear up teh profile with finger paint*
*Licia personally fires a bazooka at the expecting profile, causing a sad mis-MANAGEMENT OF THINGS!*
*Runs away in the ruins, to make ups something actually funny.*