HEY, YOU! YES YOU! I totally love you. And! ... I wanna come over. ;___; I have not seen you and Ralby ever since I got my implants back in early May, and that is just one heckuva sad state of affairs!
Lyke seriously though, that's probably the happiest, most frisky little hamster I've seen... besides Hamtaro, but Hamtaro is like Barney- 'cept less dinosaur and more *****. biggrin KIDDING, KIDDING.
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Who made that art?
How have you been Haruna? It's been awhile. How's Ralbas too?
(lol the capcha (sp?) is 10-day running)
Lyke seriously though, that's probably the happiest, most frisky little hamster I've seen... besides Hamtaro, but Hamtaro is like Barney- 'cept less dinosaur and more *****. biggrin KIDDING, KIDDING.