
Hi!! I am the real Miley Cyrus!! I love singing acting. I hope to keep doing all those things throughout my life. To all of my fans I am happy for all of your support! I HATE posers, and I would greatly appreciate it if u would let me know of any! Feel free to email me at
destiny-hearts@hotmail.com I have a fan mail email, but currently, it is not working sad However, i will let u know when it works again! I really love fan mail! NO HATE MAIL PLZ! thank you!

Okay, read my journal for regular updates! I am getting TONS of fanmail from gaians too! I am also getting fansite emails! Check out the fansites and be sure to join for more exclusive updates! I am posting another journal entry very soon! Keep reading and please comment!

I have a dream avi in mind! currently it is a secret, just to add suspense. I need the gold, which is alot. If you could donate i would greatly appreciate it! When i recieve enough donations, I will post a picture! thanks again for helping!

Well, I am looking forward to being on more!!!! I have not been on in a while!


Viewing 12 of 114 friends


Miley's Insiders Journal

my journal

my journal is mainly about me and what goes on in my life. About my show, my music and anything else!!! well feel free to come around and look at all of my journal entrys and my profile!!



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 05/22/2010 8:47 am


OMFG I love your music so much! biggrin NOT! Haha. TTYL posser. Keep on trollin ladies.
punks of japan

Report | 06/12/2009 5:07 am

punks of japan

no famous person would for on a small site and say im miley cyrus (real)
if they are the real person they would never write (real)
ad she writes that she want donations so no duh its a poser who want money for free

Report | 04/09/2009 3:27 pm



Report | 04/06/2009 12:24 pm


the movie

Report | 12/28/2008 11:57 pm


what the freak you guys are so freaking retarded.....what if it is really Miley...(Destiny) but yeah stop calling her a f***tard! what the heck is wrong with you what if it is miley?????

Report | 11/15/2008 9:29 am


everybody should now ur not the real miley cyrus!!!!! miley would waste her time playing on gaia,, lol

Report | 11/11/2008 4:52 pm


miley is a good kid!! she does NOT do naked pics!!!! people are so stupid that they take mileys head and put it on other peoples body!!!

Report | 11/11/2008 4:46 pm


people you need to quit!!! how do you know shes not miley maybe she is!! give her a chance!!! you dont know anything so quit!!!

Report | 11/03/2008 11:28 am


why would miley be on gaia she doesnt have the time shes to dumb she said her s**t dont spell the fat a** b***h

Report | 10/21/2008 5:50 am


You Knoe .. ii Can't Beliieve That Peepul Wanna Be Miiley ...

ii Feel Sorry Faw Miiley In Thaa First Place!

Afta Wat Shee Did ...

You Jus Made Her Publicity Worse As It Iss.


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