
Hallie Neko-chan

Hallie Neko-chan's avatar

Last Login: 09/30/2023 5:51 pm

Registered: 12/11/2003

Gender: Female

Location: As Far Away From You As I Can Get!

Birthday: 05/06


Posts per Day: 0.79

Total Posts: 6089

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Some stuff you may wanna know about me...

Hello! I suppose I should update this. I'm 28 years of age, female, and married. We have a sweet little girl who's in third grade. Aside from Gaia, my main haunts online are YouTube and FF.net. If you'd like, check out my FF.net profile sometime! Well, someone finally talked me into getting a FaceBook, but I'm barely on it so it's pointless to even mention it anymore on here. I'm actually thinking of deleting it. I probably won't but you really won't find me on there much. I just don't see the point and I have no idea what's so great about it. I love Gaia much, much more and log into Gaia almost every day. I log into FaceBook about once a month, if that.

I probably spend a fair amount of time playing AIKA Online. I'm a Feo Cleric so if you ever feel the need to find me on there, Feonir is a good place to start looking.

Here is some extra information about me, that you may or may not like.

I am an anime and videogame fan. I honestly can't stand people who come up to others and pick on them for liking "childish" things like anime and games. It doesn't matter what you like as long as you get done what needs to be done in real life.

I do my best to be as nice as possible and have as much patience as I can, but in recent years, it is wearing thin. I apologize. So if you make me angry, just leave me alone for awhile, unless you wanna face my wrath. It's not a pretty thing.

Random things I like:

-My own little family
-Honest people
-Kind and caring people
-Freedom to be yourself

Random things I hate:

-Rude people
-Being oppressed

There are plenty of other things that irritate me, or things that I like, but I guess if you really care or want to know you'll have to ask me.

Due to the overwhelming amount of requests I'm recieving, I believe it's time to inform you all that I AM NOT ACCEPTING RANDOM FRIEND REQUESTS!


Do you really wanna know?

View Journal

Hallie's Stuff

This is soon hopefully going to be a journal for my fanfiction, and tell all about my boring life.

My Aquarium

Your aquarium is undergoing maintenance!


View All Comments

Valansi Report | 05/09/2024 3:14 pm
Happy belated Birthday! gaia_crown
Valansi Report | 11/04/2022 1:45 pm
Ooh, hey! Welcome back. ^_^
Valansi Report | 05/13/2021 7:50 pm
Happy belated Birthday! crying
Valansi Report | 05/06/2019 6:16 pm
Happy Birthday!
Schlaghund Report | 07/29/2018 8:26 pm
just started playing ar-tonelenco again , wow memories, got lost in that timeline between 2&3 where the storm is brewing and you need to
"find another way" spent 6 hours wandering up and down the tower instead of going across the bridge because i got lost razz
Valansi Report | 05/06/2018 7:18 pm
Happy Birthday!
Schlaghund Report | 07/07/2017 10:00 pm
wow your still logging in and active hi if you remember me
Heihei Sol Report | 05/09/2017 6:28 pm
Heihei Sol
want to zomg?
Heihei Sol Report | 05/07/2017 2:14 pm
Heihei Sol
Happy belated b-day
Valansi Report | 05/06/2017 10:36 am
Happy Birthday!


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Hallie Neko-chan
TJ the Dragon Prince

To everyone else he's a villain...

...but to me, he'll always be my hero.