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Oh I wish....I were an Oscar Meyer Weiner. lol. Not Really



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Who am I (besides awesome)?

I've been an anime fan since the 6th grade, which is also when I learned to draw anime. My friends are very important to me, and I would never betray a single one of them. I listen to a lot of Korean and Japanese music, and about every other genre of music (except rap. i don't like rap.) but my favorite is rock. I love singing my heart out, it makes me feel so much better when I'm feeling down. I love to curl up and read a nice long book(or a manga). I'm really very quiet and shy, but after I get to know you, I'm kinda loud and obnoxious. lol. I LOVE cats. My friends say I'm a lot like a cat -____-; They think it's adorable. ::giggles:: But then they dangle string, or their keys or whatever in front of me and I can't help but bat at it like a cat. I'm mesmerized XD I'm going off to college to major in Baking and Pastry. I love to bake and I want to open my own bakery.

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I love these pics of me...I'm wearing my friend's hat. I ADORE his hat XD I always take it from him ALL the time. lol

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i adopted a chibi!
name: Hinata-chan
likes: Naruto
doesn't like: Her clan arguing
owner: Mer-Mer
you can adopt one too!
adopt me!

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i adopted a chibi!
name: Marth-kun
likes: Roy
doesn't like: Roy being mean
owner: Mer-Mer
you can adopt one too!
adopt me!

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i adopted a chibi!
name: Link-kun
likes: Lon Lon Milk
doesn't like: Scary Goron King
owner: Mer-Mer
you can adopt one too!
adopt me!

Stories and randomness

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Half_Tenshi's Journal

This journal is probably going to be random...like me...

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epicvegetaman Report | 11/25/2012 12:21 pm
Thanks for buying ma'am! ^^
mcrgirl-x Report | 08/05/2011 9:40 pm
thanks for buying btw your doggy is so cute
Aru Hugo Report | 02/15/2011 2:21 pm
Aru Hugo
yeah, smoking doesn't really affect your arteries (but he should still stop). it's probibly ether old age or his eating habits. but at least they caught the problem before it grew into something worse.
Aru Hugo Report | 01/27/2011 11:55 am
Aru Hugo
wow. that must have been stressful. I'm glad that he is doing alright now. do you have any idea what caused it?
Aru Hugo Report | 01/19/2011 2:46 pm
Aru Hugo
Whoa, that is one heck of a conversation starter. what happened?! how long did he need one? I mean, thats pretty serious stuff getting heart sergery. is he ok?
PomPomPrompto Report | 11/02/2010 8:55 pm
Hehe I bet either of us forgot the other had a gaia XD
PomPomPrompto Report | 11/02/2010 8:43 pm
Hiya Mer-Mer -^^- Its Sam!
Aru Hugo Report | 10/18/2010 5:37 pm
Aru Hugo
well go anyway!lol it would be awesome!
lol figures. leave it up to Jess to get an awesome red dress for the dance.(btw, is her hair still redish?)
weeell...halloween is on a sunday.... and if you don't have much work and stuff.... you could take a long drive home to spend it with your family.
It might be really long but I'm sure it would be worth it.
Aru Hugo Report | 10/15/2010 1:08 pm
Aru Hugo
lol and I would love to EAT THEM! ... so would everyone else for that matter.
hmm...I haven't the foggiest idea what she could be up to. I mean, besides gaia and msn, I can't really talk to her. hope she's doing alright.
you should go to her homecomming dance and suprise her!... unless she already invited you.
Aru Hugo Report | 10/14/2010 2:10 pm
Aru Hugo
...oh. well that is a major let down...hmm. well, at least you can skype with your mom a lot(unless your doing... college stuff) I know it's kinda dumb for me to ask you since you just said that you haven't talked to her in a while but whats jessica up to?
btw, hang in there! do college stuff, bake some brownies and Don't Forget To Be Awesome!
and I do love borwnies...*Hint hint*



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Drew it, inked it, scanned it, and colored it in photoshop. I drew it...in....2006?