My best gaia friend!
she's awesome,nice,silly,fun,beautiful,and so much more~
she's omg a banana ( hehe! )
as you probabally know,I'm Jacob~!~
I'm wacky. I Act Retarded.
I'm weird. But fun.
I'm silly. But Serious.
I'm random. but organized.
I'm a sweetheart.
My weakness is being too nice.
I don't like labelers or Perverts.
I hate when guys don't understand how lucky they are,With most girls,But yet still treat them wrong,and break their heart.
I have feelings. Just like everyone else.
I like cute things. But I'm not "gay".
I'm very artsy/artistic. (: I <3 to draw.
I'm brilliant. But,I don't try. ):
and,I dunn care what you think of me. :3
I was born on Aug,7th,1995. Woohoo~
I get along better with girls than guys. All my best friends would be girls.
I'm worth getting to know. I don't bite. :3
I go ..::RawR::.. Alot. ^-^
I like poetry.
I like travel.
I like animals. But I'm not a vegetarian or anything.
I notice when people are sad or upset. I always try and help them.
Well...Theres more to know,I'm sure. But if you need to know more,Just ask me. I'll most likely tell you.
hehe. :3
Mah Journal
Everything and Anything.
Depends. ^~^ :D (: *.* :3
Haiiro~Check out my profile~artwork and everything else~Comment,Message,Friend request? biggrin
Also,If you would like to be nice,please donate,You don't have too tho. ^~^
Total Value: 97,275 Gold, 13,000 Tickets
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