B e f ri e nd ; Gi v e. m e ; T a lk ; D a yd r ea m s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Follow me on on my
tumblr, pleaaase~
FormspringFlickrUpdated 2010.3.28I like to t a l k to people. That's why I love
| comments. |But
sometimes I don't have time to relpy.
And E S P E C I A L L Y when my
internet sucks.
So don't take it
I probably will reply.
Eventually. ;D
I don't like
random friending.
If you want to friend me, you better give a
good reason.I dislike
noobs, and b e g g a r s very much.
And no, I will not give away my
Fallen Wish.And especially not `for
10 gold.`
Haha, tell me why I'd do that.
Give a good
Hello everyone~
My name is
☆ L i a n ☆But you can call me Li.
Currently residing in the sunny hills of
C a l i f o r n i a.My age doesn't matter, just know that I'm still young.
I'm the
/ p l a i n e s t / person you'll meet. Yet I'll still
make an impact on your lives.
I'm seen as a
stereotype. I'm Asian, good grades,
amazing friends, serene, smart.
What they don't realize, is who I
really am.
Who am I?
Hell if I know.I love to
draw.I like to think -a r t i s t i c a l l y- ; it makes everything
more {
beautiful. }
School makes
life interesting.
I really am a
nerd.I'm growing up way too
s l o w, but time seems to
go much
faster than before.
I been told I'm too
And that I'm to
stupid to do something.
I just
ignore them, and go on my way.
I don't think it's
" weird " for me to like things others don't.
Like Zac Efron.
Oh, how I love him...
Or the Jonas Brothers.
Kevin, FTW.
Or High School Musical. Again, Zac Efron.
Or any musical.
- M o u l i n R o u g e - was amazing.
Or Anime. J-pop, J-rock. Lolita.
And I'll wear
jeans every day to school. Then one day,
c h a n g e it up and wear a skirt, and have
everybody scream at
me for being different.
[********], I don't want to be goddamn
Miss Predictable !ALSO, ------>> CURRENTLY - T A K E N-
mmm. two is better than one<3
FlickrI love comments and PMs, so talk to me(:
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