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BeIKing's avatar

Report | 12/15/2016 3:04 pm


He's fully recovered and gone back to being an entitled jerk.
BeIKing's avatar

Report | 11/13/2016 7:07 pm


Thanks! I haven't drawn much lately, though I still draw. Sometimes it's on my phone, other times it's my sketchpad.
BeIKing's avatar

Report | 11/13/2016 7:37 am


College is eh, like always. I finally qualified for a scholarship, though it doesn't cover everything, so I still have to pay part of it. My current job hasn't given me that many assignments this year, which is a hassle thanks to bills and such. Mom has a friend who wants someone for data entry and I have an interview to do if I can set up another (was supposed to be last Thursday, but the guy didn't call me and I was sick). Right now, focus has been on my brother, who's in the hospital right now. For three weeks now, he's had a recurring headache that's been so debilitating, he hasn't been able to work at all. Every test he had done didn't reveal anything out of the ordinary, but the one had had done on Monday had some strange findings and we took him to the hospital on Friday by his doctor's suggestion. He's got a virus, which should start being treated, but we still don't know what's wrong with the liver. The test showed a few things were elevated. And mom just told me his stomach is also swollen now.
BeIKing's avatar

Report | 11/09/2016 3:23 am


How are you?
BeIKing's avatar

Report | 11/02/2016 8:26 pm


BeIKing's avatar

Report | 06/27/2015 9:35 pm


Alright, let me get the links...
BeIKing's avatar

Report | 06/27/2015 7:44 pm


I've been drawing all day since I have nothing else to do.
BeIKing's avatar

Report | 06/27/2015 12:50 pm


Oi, Maymay!
o Breakthrough o's avatar

Report | 06/26/2015 12:21 am

o Breakthrough o

Yeah! I used to be super silly/random. sweatdrop
o Breakthrough o's avatar

Report | 06/25/2015 10:44 pm

o Breakthrough o

Oh yeah! I forgot what we were gonna do in Vegas though. Cx
o Breakthrough o's avatar

Report | 06/25/2015 9:17 pm

o Breakthrough o

Heck yeah! I'll start walking now. I'll meet you there in a bajillion years. emotion_c8
o Breakthrough o's avatar

Report | 06/10/2015 1:15 pm

o Breakthrough o

Hey cutie! Long time no talk.
BeIKing's avatar

Report | 06/05/2015 9:22 am


That's about the only real big change. There are others, but nothing compared to that.
BeIKing's avatar

Report | 06/05/2015 9:16 am


It hasn't really changed much...
BeIKing's avatar

Report | 06/05/2015 9:12 am


Yeah, long story short, Gaia released hold generators, which pumped an insane amount of gold onto the economy, causing prices to go up like crazy. It got so bad, they even had to increase the gold cap from 2 billion to a number I can't pronounce.
BeIKing's avatar

Report | 03/29/2014 11:32 am


Uhm, just been busy overall really.
BeIKing's avatar

Report | 03/27/2014 12:25 pm


BeIKing's avatar

Report | 03/22/2014 9:38 am


Yup...ever since they started releasing gold generators, the economy's gone haywire.
BeIKing's avatar

Report | 03/21/2014 7:35 pm


Gold generators...lots of generators.
Ricecakerr's avatar

Report | 10/05/2013 9:51 am


It's on my profile or if your too lazy @heeelloimha
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