What you need to know~
Haii guys. This isn't Destiny, but her cousin, Alexis. xD I just figured I'd add stuff about her, since she hasn't yet. But anyway:~She's Christian
~Purely awesome
~She loves zombies, The Beatles, and peace thingies. :3
~She adores older bands, like Led Zeppelin
~She plays World of Warcraft
~She's the best cousin ever
~She's random, funny, and just all around silly
~She can be awkward at times, but it's usually hilarious.
~Oh! She can't spell that well, but because it's Destiny, it's okay
Anyway~! Destiny, don't be mad, I had to do this. xD
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It's a TROLL!
It's a TROLL!
It's a TROLL!
It's a TROLL!
It's a TROLL!
It's a TROLL!