heart Important To Me: heartLeaders a one who’s smart and brave, they don’t act up, they always behave.
Leaders a one with good advice, they live by what they say and don’t think twice.
Leaders a one who’s assertive and strong, they discipline bad behavior, punishing the person is wrong.
Leaders a one that never turns two~faced on you, they show you who they are upfront, their person is true.
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How you doing tonight?
You will find however that people will be guilty and still say they are not guilty sad
Sadly I do not believe the human race is all that good but you can find some gems heart
Other than that I absolutely adore the flash biggrin It is brilliant hun and a great laugh to go through hehe
What do you use to do the flash btw?
Are you training to be a lawyer?
I cannot wait for the flash, I really do adore your skills. You are absolutely brilliant at it smile
I can make a guide to add the flash. It is not too hard to be honest wink
Gonna head to bed as it is 1:11 lol
Hehe don't worry your a friend so stalking is okay razz
How do you like the flash above the profile? biggrin I have the code so if you may another for someone else I can send it on to you. It only works for V2 profiles though. Surprised by how much you can actually edit the profile! Tis so much fun smile