
Greeneyez_luver_akz's avatar

Last Login: 11/18/2012 8:51 pm

Gender: Female

Birthday: 07/31

Omg random crazy talk!!! <3

Wow the Owl City concert was amazing! New york and DC were Amazing. Things are finally good. :]
Last Update: 3/21/10


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The Rant on music! <3


My Smiley Playlist :] :)

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Mii! Love me or hate me!

Hey Heyy all! The name be A.Z...Yes the letter "A" and the letter "Z'. I will be attending Valhalla highschool in the fall. Go Norsemen/Wiglaf!Along with school I am very involved in soccer. I love soccer it is a passion of mine. I play goalie and forward. I am currently tring out for a soccer club called Matrix. Wish me the best of luck to get in. Um music is another big factor in my life. I am interested in most all music. I am a very outgoing person who is up for everything. I am pretty nice. And yes I do like Justin Bieber and the Twilight Saga. Please PM any questions that you have. Love ya :] <3
So what is....
What is your favorite thing to do when you are bored?: Listning to music and come on Gaia
Favorite band: It is a tie Breaknig Benjamin and Nevershoutnever
Favorite drink: Water
Favorite song: Young forever by JayZ
Favorite type of musc: Hevy Metal/Screamo
Favorite artist: Justin Bieber
Favorite sport: Soccer
Who is your best friend: I have lots of them.
Most annoying song: Drop and give me 50
Best Love song: Did it Hurt? By NeverShoutNever!
Favorte movie: Hangover
Favorite animal: Panda
Favorite print: Zebra
Favorite sayings: I'm FANTASTIC!! (I'm not conceeded...I just love myself), Your Mum, Your Face.