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Gothic_Vampire_Chick1995's avatar

Birthday: 10/16


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Halfbloodprincessop Report | 08/06/2010 1:28 pm
its the first one. it looks like this ~***Nightfall* Academy***~
Halfbloodprincessop Report | 08/06/2010 1:20 pm
Just type in Nightfall academy in the search box. Its the one with the pretty stars and sgwiggly lines
Halfbloodprincessop Report | 08/06/2010 12:47 pm
I will hurt you.... stressed I have to get atleast 20,000 dollars to get the outfit. Oh and you can find nightfall academy under my knew name
failover1995 Report | 08/05/2010 10:18 am
you need to get on. cuz your character looks lame and i can send you money nooffense <3 heart
failover1995 Report | 06/12/2010 10:09 am
haha i luv ur little speach so true <3 and i missses u we should talk more often...seriously...its been like a year since ive seen u...*depression dawns on me*
Sunnie_prep Report | 01/04/2010 6:41 am
omg i had a snowday 2day...and 2morrow! biggrin yeaaaaaaa no school thanks 2 10 inches of freezing ice chrystals gathered on the ground that made road conditions so bad they closed down the WHOLE base. and i always wanted it 2 snow during school...but i forgot 2 wak up at notmal time when they anounced the 2 hour delay and then we were off school. i had 3 missed calls and 7 texts from 5 ppl on my phone 0.o
Sunnie_prep Report | 01/01/2010 7:44 am
but look on the JSHS offical website at sample entrants- THATS wut I have to wright.
"Hypervalent iodine reagents have found extensive use in synthetic organic chemistry as mild and selective oxidizing agents. We recently reported the synthesis of a water-soluble derivative of o-iodoxybenzoic acid (IBX) capable of effecting chemoselective oxidation of allylic and benzylic alcohols in user and eco-friendly solvents."
hey, that doesnt look as hard, once its in small print. i understand what its saying, when it small print. nut mine is on properties and effects of wearing different ingredentated nail polishes (or is it polishi?)
and we have testers and testing periods and were almost all alone working on it.
yea, wrighting flows easily 4 me. only THIS hasta sound professional- and i'v done a professional-type wrighting before. 2000 words on microwave telecommunications.
InEveryWindIsDust Report | 12/31/2009 7:02 pm
Not weird,
just som stuff that would happen in the real world happens, and of course, anything that happens in the real world that appears in a fiction book, turns out bad.. *sigh*
InEveryWindIsDust Report | 12/30/2009 12:14 pm
pretty good, I read each book in a day though. I've taken a break from the series.. there ae some things that happen that will piss you off lol.
Sunnie_prep Report | 12/30/2009 7:41 am
My hair is so thick & curly now cuz i cut it short. but now its so short that i cant tie up my hair real well. look at my avatar person, that exactly what my hair would look like if it was in pig tails.
right now, im wrighting a 10-page report on the results of my nail polish exparaments-but its due in 5 days. AND I JUST STARTED.
ughhh i hate procrationation.
and guess what i'll be doing in march once i finish this report?
flying to japan for a free week-long trip to a science symposium, were we get 2 learn about sciences!...uh-duh. that sounded stupid 2 say, but wutever
im doing my report & exparament on the cosmetology feild. so awesome! but i also like dentristry and astronomy.
i sound like a major nerd.

Goths are just a differant normal and to us, YOU'RE the wierd ones!

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