Call me: Lephia
Age: 13
Eye color: black or dark brown
type: asian
Scared of: N/A
gender: girl
Fave color: blue and black kinda
occupation: well i have lots of things but trying to think of something to do on this boreing summer getting stuck att home....
o and i well accept most requests from people if they have an kool about me sectoin and or great profile!! or something like that
and i well accept any requests from people with lots of awsome pics!!!!
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?Final Fantasy 7and final fantasy ROX!!
kiri and shampoo from Beauty pop!! check it out!!!
o and my fave character in naruto is SHIKAMARU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE IS THE AWSOMEST AND THIS THING IS HALIRIOUS!!
White mage godess journal
Cloud rox!! final fantasy is awsome!! and i am in to fantasy stuff on gaia !!
I am emo, and i like anime, i like music, and i draw.
o and i may not have good grammer and crap but who cares...
Final Fantasy VII you gotta lov3 it.
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