Birthday: 10/23
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What could i write about in a journal? I tyhink it will be a mixture of my day and musings that pop up for the day.
ROAR!!! Yeah That's my grand battle cry...and lament of no cake!!!
I'm one of these "Scorpio" if you can't tell
I like these alotPenguin if you never heard of one
She's not just a great dancer, she as a really big bat!
Would you believe she's the hero?
That's right school girl warriors will appear to handle you if you don't share your carrot cake with me!!
If i happen to rub your head or pet you im not looking down on you, you're just so cute when you pout!
Ya know somehow it always happens when i pet a kitty. maybe Im not as interesting as a nap???
So this place is starting to resemble my me make it feel nice and messy with lots of posts ok?
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So today is my first class! I have a design and type at 7:15 tonight. Right now I'm staying in a pretty creepy hotel, it's only two blocks away from the bus drop off for my school, but my parents are deathly afraid that I am going to get mugged or murdered so they are making me go ask the people over at the dorm if they could escort me every night I have a late class which will be three days a week. It is really annoying, I understand their concern and all (Oakland isn't known to be the safest of places and all) But honestly, I can see the building from the hotel and I only have to cross like two streets. But anyways, so you are doing good, that's good to here whee . And how is that K-drama you're watching is it interesting? Would you recommend it 4laugh ?
So today is my first class! I have a design and type at 7:15 tonight. Right now I'm staying in a pretty creepy hotel, it's only two blocks away from the bus drop off for my school, but my parents are deathly afraid that I am going to get mugged or murdered so they are making me go ask the people over at the dorm if they could escort me every night I have a late class which will be three days a week. It is really annoying, I understand their concern and all (Oakland isn't known to be the safest of places and all) But honestly, I can see the building from the hotel and I only have to cross like two streets. But anyways, so you are doing good, that's good to here whee . And how is that K-drama you're watching is it interesting? Would you recommend it 4laugh ?
Hopefully I can find some place before school starts because if I can't then I might have to miss a semester or a year and I REALLY do not want to do that... So wishing and hoping for something to come up. HWAITING! 4laugh