My New Dream

Return of the Chill

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  • Buck Teeth

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.... Following me?

burnning_devil on 01/23/2025
idraw17 on 09/19/2024
Werevampgon on 06/02/2022
Jayda Ookami on 11/28/2019



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Gods_Black_Wings's avatar

Last Login: 01/25/2025 5:24 pm

Registered: 03/10/2006

Gender: Male

Location: dont know hmmm... were am i

Personal Website

U.S. Pacers


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burnning_devil Report | 01/23/2025 10:12 am
did something happen?
burnning_devil Report | 01/17/2025 9:01 am
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burnning_devil Report | 01/10/2025 8:45 am
whats got you so busy? or are you flying somewhere?
burnning_devil Report | 01/08/2025 10:29 am
burnning_devil Report | 01/03/2025 10:57 am
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excited for you to come online so we can continue our rp
burnning_devil Report | 12/22/2024 10:30 am
so bored right now, waiting for a movie to finish downloading.
burnning_devil Report | 01/01/2017 7:47 am
long time no see. any plans for 2017?
burnning_devil Report | 07/26/2016 8:32 am
i accidentally deleted all my message somehow, not really sure as i am positive i left boxes unchecked, but anyway, could you resend the last post you did if you still have it and i'm busy moving house so that kinda has the entirety of my focus, which explains my lack of presence
burnning_devil Report | 07/19/2016 10:33 am
good news is good news at least, and its good to hear from you, if only just to say your alive
burnning_devil Report | 07/18/2016 7:53 am
kinda missing you dude. you still going threw the storm or have you reached the eye?


Hmmm... It seems I'm about to change this for the first time since ive been on here.... oh well here we go:
My name is Justin.... I rock
I am 17 years old((April 28th, 1993 I'm a taurus yeah i rock even harder))
Yeah yeah anyway I have no perticular kind of music i like...
Have a lot of tolerance for it.... uhhh I think too much
it kinda always gets in the way of my emotians...
I've learned not to show them in the first place...
anyway back to the subject
I love to draw... more then most things
the only thing more important then that to me is...
you know the things that should be cared about...
my favorite move... Its either out of Real Geniuses or Fight Club
Favorite book... The Looking Glass Wars ((All of them))
I love anime... A lot of them... That is why i draw them
favorite ones... Samerai Champloo, Big O, Naruto, Yu-Gi-Oh ((All but one)), Bleach, Zoids ((childhood favorite)), Pokemon((... Dont judge me...)), Sonic X(Don't know if its a anime though)), Kirby Right back at Ya((haven't seen that shows it years but its was till good also dont know if its a anime))... A lot more but thats off the top of my head...
Oh no i can't beleive i forgot these two... Gundam ((All of them, in paticular Gundam Win)) and Blood ...
uhh not shy, but not open wont back down from anything
extremely smart... too smart for my age and my own good at times
cares about family...
enough to get myself killed yes...
im going to take care of everyone i love when i get older...
going to be the richest person alive ((Sorry everyone else))
there are days where i have a large burst of information about myself and they get written down...
well typed out... i guess thats why im doing this
no likes or disslikes... ill get through them
favorite song: Dive into the Mellow
Theme song((Yes I rock so hard I have my own theme)): Lupe the Killa
well hope you enjoyed... its not everything about me...
but its quite a lot
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I got my page from

Wish List


Feel like I should go back to chillI liked it there didn't you?