Yo im a nice guy......no really dont give me that!
Anyway im a cool dude with many friends as you can see (Well so what i just started!)
I love the game ZOMG it seems im on that alot i like the server tiny terror if you would like to party up lol.
This seems like a pretty cool Online town...yes town not site becuase this is so BIG!.
Well ill be open to friends but not to many now becuase im the type that likes to stay close with my friends.
I live in America
I'm 17
Im a young artist...(and if i could get my tablet to work i would have a cool signitaure...)
Hobbies-Guitar, Drawing, Working out, Eating, Gaming, Playing Gaia!.
AND MY REAL BIRTHDAY IS 8/20 the computer messed it up...
Updated every 1k
Wanting acient katana
Donations welcomed!
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i dont undertand that feeling o.o
u know this feeling to right?
and, okay. ;p helping your family is great. Bonding time. ^^
I'll check yours out.