I am me .... YES!!
lol sorry
I probably shouldn’t be typing when I'm this hyper
but oh well
I'm a 17 y/o girl from...
That place I live
It is in the united states
Well I'll remember eventually -^^-
I love to draw
(though I suck at that)
Listen to many different kinds of music
(you wouldn’t believe my play list)
I love to talk to people ... then they run away
I love to hang out with people ... then they run away
I am hyper, violent, some say loveable<---(?) oO
I am an anime nerd, but i suck at it
If you call manga a comic book i could care less
If you pronounce something wrong i might correct you but not likely
I have lotsa buddehs (weather they want to be my buddehs or not
wink )
You wanna be my buddy?? *puppy dog eyes*
... oh yah i do that too
very manipulative
M'kay I'm gonna stop now
if you wanna talk to me feel free
Gaiaonline~ gloomy bunneh
Deviantart~ Panku
Youtube~ LexisLolita
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