Hello all! I'm Rachel. Some stuff about me: I'm a writer, singer, artist, and avid roleplayer. Whis is why I have my own roleplay thread, titled
Le GASP! My spork's on fire? No, just another Roleplay... :] I accept virtually any roleplays, so long as you're literate. I've been on gaia for, what, over a year? I have mad cow disease. Don't judge me.
So, some stuff that's going on: I'm working on learning guitar and getting past my massive writer's block and completing
one of my novels. I'm the 9th grade rep for my youth group, and the president of my NCL class. I love music. I'm a big choir girl. I mean sing-in-the-shower run-to-choir-class hum-the-songs-in-the-hallway choir girl. I
will make it to All-State this year. My buddy Suzanne [suzzical on gaia, but she doesn't get on much] and I are the Amazing Altos. Are you a choir nerd? Then you're my best friend. :]
I love my profile. Don't you? Extreme thanks and credit to
c h i c k i e for the theme. Here's the fun little banner for her website:

I have these friends. And man, these are epic friends. We call ourselves the Awesome Threesome, because we're actually that awesome. :] Casey [Bambi Cheesedeer Unifoxicorn] and Kristy [KRISTYZILLA]. They are my Homie Q's.