Hi! I'm Loren
biggrin I'm a budding managaka (Manga artist) so I tend to draw a lot
mrgreen I'm freakishly tall, I'm always tired, and I love food!
whee I love my family and friends, and they love me
heart (hopefully...I can be annoying
sweatdrop )
And that's about it...oh!I have two dogs! jack russels)
Jaa ne! (see you later)
love meanings
*Kiss on the Cheek: We're friends
*Kiss on the Forehead: I hope we're together forever.
*Kiss on the Head: Your my everything.
*Kiss on the temple : I like you.
*Kiss on the Hand: I adore you.
*Kiss on the Neck: We belong together.
*Kiss on the Shoulder: I want you.
*Kiss on the Lips: I love you.
*Playin Around With Hair: Can't Live Without U
*Holding Hands: Happiness
*Arms Around Waist: U Are Mine, I Need U
*A Hug: I Care
*Smiling At Eachother:I Like U
*Wink: Flirtation'
*Looking Around: Hiding True Feelings
*Wetting Your Lips: Waiting 4 A Kiss
*Tear Drop: I'm Losing U
*Crying:I Lost you
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I'm back from Manchester!
I missed u!....
"Dondake" from what I understand is an expression that means something like "What the...." in English. "Watashi Naze Koko ni Iru no" means "Why Am I Here"
I wrote this 'cos when I first signed up for Gaia, I'm not exactly sure why I created an account for when I only lurk around 1 or 2 forums at the most and do little else here. blaugh
Happy birthday~!
Sorry I couldn't afford a present Dx !
But I hope you have a great birthday anyway~!
Yeah I caught a shiny zubat yesterday :3 I was well proud! xD I lied, I haven't caught heatran (yet) My sister's sat there trying to catch him now I said if she did I'd buy her an Iphone case, it's funny because she has no idea what she's doing :')
oiwio drew it.