i like weddings lol lickmyemololly got hackedcrying yes i know it sucks real bad ('specially since i had those penguin slippers too >.<) but i'm using this account now
hi i'm sam i'm a really nice person if i like you and i feel like being nice to you i like horror films and i believe that zombies/rage infected humans will eventually happen and pride myself on the fact that i feel somewhat prepared for the worst i dont follow any religion i see myself as the most important icon in my life because its ME i'm not concieted im just looking out for myself i only have a few good friends but many party friends i've been a member on gaia since october 2005 i believe the GD is a place where you would find sh!t covered walls and people wrapped up in nice cozy white straight jackets and yet i still find myself every so often posting in there great but yeah my favorite color is orange my favorite drink is dr.pepper i smoke pot i smoke ciggarettes i drink i like MSI and NIN and puscifer/tool/APC i also listen to stuff like peter paul and mary and tom waits i love the beatles white zombie taproot dir en grey and many more
but yeah thanks for reading and pm me or comment if you wanna chat =D
donaters i heart heart jagame iori-about 104k heart nahtyaj -60k heart mr.blood drops 50k heart demon king sephiroth -idk how much but i know he helped me get started ^^ heart corporal bitchface- oculus mythica heart [Gene Starwind]-inaris beads heart zeus_gay_god-holy gauntlets heart DREXYN_IRONFANG- 600k he saved my a**
Hell yeah. My tag is Insane Sophist, properly spelled and spaced. If you like, I don't mind PMing you my number if you wanna text. ^^ And yes, you can certainly talk to me later. biggrinheart
3nodding Give it time. Assholes are the ones you'll notice first because that's what assholes do. You're very, very noticable by nature, which isn't the same thing but means they'll jump for you first, and take your attention away from other people. When you're surrounded by it, you'll only meet other assholes. I read English 19th century poetry for fun. I can sing like a smooth b*****d but I have stage fright. I'm a huge geek. Tell me we'd bump into eachother anywhere else, or that we'd talk if you always had some a*****e hovering around, involving you in a closed conversation that I coudnt butt into.sweatdrop
Look at you, being all flustered and cute. And here I was thinking I wouldn't live up to your standards. You're gorgeous, intelligent. Surely there's some lucky guy on the other end, no?
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