About Meeeee <3
I've come to realize that this little blurb about me is really old and definitely needs updating because many things have changed, but not that much ;]I still love manga, video games and anime all the same, but I seem to love baking more than ever :3 Cookies, cakes, brownies <3333 Ahhh, I sound like a fatty lol
I've graduated high school and I'm on my way to college, so my appearance has changed a great deal since I last updated this. Previously, my hair was unnatural colors like orange, green, purple and blue (the green after the blue, HORRIBLE accident lol), but now its the natural dirty blonde ;] I'm going to be a Biology major and have plans to be somewhere in the medical field, whether it be in the lab or the hospitals. Thats a tad personal, though, and thats probably the most you'll get out of me without digging lol

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Oh, my... "Squeakers?" That's so funny. I watch this guy on Youtube that makes Team Fortress 2 videos from time to time. He had a Squeaker in a couple of them, and it was so amusing.
Hee hee... thanks. I actually bought my Kanoko when it was 800k. It's shot up so much since then. I believe my Coco was 300k when I bought it, and this maid outfit that is out of the new Rig... I was able to buy it for 199k. It shot up to 390k five minutes later. >.<
I don't see the big deal of war games in general. People love them so much, but they're mostly just the same thing. >_>
Wow, what are those people thinking? You don't buy a mature game for children. Then again, they could just be buying it for themselves, but I doubt that. The children will still probably play it.
I have so many friends that want that game, though. I honestly don't see what's so special about it. :/
Ooh, hooray for making a profit. With inflation, it may even be worth more than double the price. You never know.~
It sucks that you missed the party because of work. Work may be good for money, but it can get annoying at times, especially when you have something that you want to do. :<
Hee hee... I know what you mean, except my problem is that I have very few items. I need to buy more one of these days. In fact, I should probably buy a cash card first. That way, I can get items to sell to get the gold. xD
I won't actually be doing anything for Halloween. Well, I'll be eating some candy, but that's pretty much it. I'm not a party person (not that I know anyone that throws parties,) and I don't go Trick or Treating. My mom just buys us candy instead. Also, I think I would feel odd going Trick or Treating at the age of nineteen. Last time I went, I believe I was 13, and I still felt too old to do it. ><;
I've seen the female horns because my brother was evil once, and then he used the sex change potion on his character... looked awful. Also, I hate that, too. If you don't play the game, you don't have any experience with it. You can know some of the things that happen, but you don't really know a lot about it. One definitely should not give advice if they've only watched someone play a game, too. D:
Yay! I'm glad I inspired you to play it. Hee hee... I love the game so far. It's providing me with so much fun. I just hate that I can only play it about once a day.
Yes, I did get a black one. I am very pleased with it so far. Also, any game system can overheat easily if you don't keep it in a well vented, cooler area. My brother keeps it below 70 in his room at all times, and the 360 is in a vented area. Plus, I don't play it for more than three or four hours at a time. I'm pretty sure I won't have to worry about that. :3
I only went on villager killing sprees when I played the first one and Lost Chapters. The female on Fable 2 looks stupid when she's evil. I have no idea on this one, yet... the design of the female is so much better, though. I'm playing as a nice character right now. I'm aiming for a neutral character at the end of the game. That's because I know how it ends all ready. I watched someone finish the game on a live stream. xD
Microsoft is really annoying about repairing your 360 now. It's $85 or more to repair it, too. I'd rather buy a new one. :/
Right now, I don't exactly remember what happened with my mom. xD
Congratulations! I have yet to get my license. I probably won't until after Winter, either. We're supposed to have a bad Winter this year.
He was probably secretly afraid that you'd still have those feelings and leave him to try to get at this other guy. ><
In other news, my Xbox 360 RRoD'd the other day! I have to buy a new one, and my mom is being very annoying about it. I want to buy one as soon as possible because Fable 3 comes out in 5 days, but no. She wants me to wait until they go on sale, so I can buy one for $150 instead of $200. She has no idea when this sale is taking place, though, and I'm not waiting past the 10th of November. :|
She could've told me that last night, but she decided to wake me up this morning instead. She made it even worse when I told her to get my cat out of my room [she gets scared and throws up when I'm sleeping.] After I told her that, her response was, "Shut up." I'm giving her a piece of my mind when she gets home. She had no right to tell me to shut up when she knows she's NOT supposed to wake me up unless it's something important. That could have waited until tonight, or she should have told me yesterday. -_-