Babyyyy <3 I love you sooo much. (: I know you don't get on gaia much, but the next time that you do, you'll have this to look at ^-^ I love you more than anything in this entire world, more than anything in the entire universe, and even more than anything that has or ever could exist. You completely own my heart, for it is yours and only yours, for all of time. Waking up to see a text from you is what helps me get up in the morning, and talking to you is what gets me through the day. I know sometimes we may not agree, but hey, who always agrees with each other? Even through disagreements and all that jazz, I know that I'll always have you, and you should know that you'll always have me. Always and Forever Gabrielle. You are my one and only, and I can't wait until you are my wife.
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~9/12/2010 - Forever~
I love you c: Just sayin'. o: