

Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

lil pinky_butterfly

Report | 12/06/2008 11:12 pm

lil pinky_butterfly

Copy /paste this to 10 ppl and the press f5 and f9 at the same time you will get 100,000 gold it really works
999 charizard

Report | 09/28/2008 6:14 am

999 charizard

send this comment to 10 Profiles then press f5 to get 10,000 gold.

Report | 07/25/2008 3:54 pm


if u send this to 12 peoples and then press ctrl+w than you will get 40000gg it REALLY works!!!!
outlaw billy the kid

Report | 04/29/2008 3:22 pm

outlaw billy the kid

you got to see what that kid sad

Report | 04/16/2008 5:10 pm


"IF YOU LOVE [[ME]] (as a [[FRIEND]] or more) [[you'll]] read the whole thing. What would [[you]] do if for every moment [[you]] were truly happy there would be [[10]] moments of sadness? What would [[you]] do if [[your best friend]] died tomorrow and [[you]] never got to tell [[them]] how [[you]] felt? So, [] just wanted to say, even if [] never talk to [[you]] again in my life, [[you]] are special to [[me]] and [[you]] have made a difference in [[my]] life. I look up to [[you]], respect [[you]], and truly cherish [[you]]. Send this to all [[your friends]], no matter how often [[you]] talk, or how close [[you]] are, and send it to the [[person]] who sent it to [[you]]. Let [[old friends]] know [[you]] haven't forgotten [[them]], and tell [[new friends]] [[you]] never will. Remember, [[everyone]] needs a [[friend]]. dont ever leave the one [[you]] love for the one [[YOU]] like, because the one [[you]] like will leave [[you]] for the one [[they]] love. tonite [[your]] true love will realize how much [[they]] love [[you]]between 1 and 4 in the morning. tomorrow the shock of [[your]] life will occur if [[you]] break the chain. [[you]] will have bad luck for [[10]] years, if [[you]] don't pass this on to [[15]] people. if [[you]] get this it means the [[person]] who sent it truly cares about [[you]]..."


If [[you]] wake up in a red room with no windows and doors, DON'T panic.. [[you're]] just in my heart!!! Send this to all the [[friends]] [[you]] want to keep forever...

Today is [[Bestfriend Day]]. Send this to all of [[your friends]], and [[me]] if I am one. If [[you]] get 7 back [[you]]are [[LOVED]]!!! Here are the numbers of what kind of friend [[you]] are based on how many [[you]] get back...

1-3 ~ you're a bad friend

4-6 ~ you're an okay friend

7-9 ~ you're a good friend"
outlaw billy the kid

Report | 03/03/2008 4:54 pm

outlaw billy the kid

outlaw billy the kid

Report | 02/27/2008 6:35 pm

outlaw billy the kid

yoman how are you

Report | 02/20/2008 5:30 pm


im great how r u?
0o_Chieko Hisako_o0

Report | 02/14/2008 4:53 am

0o_Chieko Hisako_o0

Happy V-day! User Image. Spread the User Image.

Report | 02/09/2008 9:15 am


hi hi ^_^