
gabriellax1933's avatar

Birthday: 01/18


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Well this is supposed to be a jornal but most of the jornal entires will be poems for i find it easier to write poems than to write from me.


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hi my name is gabriella, i love music and i have friends on gaia and so tried it out so far i hv no idea how to work it!(lol)But ok, i have lots of friends that are lovely to me and i don't know what i'd do without them and the same goes to my family. Melanie you are a great sis and i luv you so much wel. i luv music (it means the world to me), T.V, Icons, playing tennis and swimming, hanging out with friends and family and of course having fun, and laughing until your stomch hurts!

luv gabriella*


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MIRROR DOLL Report | 09/14/2009 9:05 am
thanx for being the first to comment on my poem
it means the world to me ^_^
iinsanely Sane Report | 08/19/2009 10:31 am
iinsanely Sane
Your profile and avi really need some pimpin' ;D
I can help you with that :3
How's everything?
iiFreshBby x3 Report | 06/01/2009 2:18 pm
iiFreshBby x3
iiFreshBby x3 Report | 06/01/2009 1:33 pm
iiFreshBby x3
omg thank you for the comment on my poem
i really appreciate it ;]
Invalid Human Report | 10/02/2008 1:37 pm
Invalid Human
Hey Gabs!! I will explain in school... tomorrow (If you dont know when tomorrow is, friday) its too hard to explain now.. talking and showing is easier..

Laterz.. Angel *
gabyisthebest Report | 10/01/2008 4:24 pm
hey sup i joind lol i wont be on much ^.^ o well bye love you all ^.^