hello people i'm alycia i used to be aussie alycia but some hacker hacked onto my computer so i made a new account =)
i love talking to people and i add anyone lol i love swimming, kayaking, tennis and soccer and i love hanging out with my friends.
i have a lovely bf named Ben we have been dating for nearly 7 months and he makes me really happy and i love him alot
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oh i see O_O thats so messed up that they ban fb and msn! xD and nah its fine i just didnt have enough time at the moment to answer it ahha and then i thought we could just talk quick on here but NO! xD ahha and yea its ok he knows, i warned him on his gaia but hes still asking for you haha omygosh temples volcanoes AND theme park!! is there anything you didnt do! xD your so lucky! biggrin A FUNERAL!? XD what did you just rock up for fun!? lol alyica: we saw the lamas and the tigers and went to a funeral biggrin "poor lady i wonder what happened sad