Fox Ninga Kyoushiro's avatar

Last Login: 02/24/2021 1:42 am

Registered: 04/22/2008


I am MossClaw of Riverclan, or is it Thunderclan i forget which one.

I am techinicly not a warrior :3

any one who likes Warriors and stuff let me know we can RP and talk about it

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ωну ∂ι∂ уσυ ¢нαηgє?

About This one

~About Meh~
This really did need an update. Well I still go by Kyo, Ryu, Silver, Fox. Most people just call me Kyo. I am a Vocaloid/UTAU/TTS user. I finally did get my Tablet years ago. Nothing much really about me. That has changed.

Warrior: Mossclaw Clan: Riverclan

I go by several different names but you may call me Kyo, Ryu, Silver or Fox. I do not mind any of those names. I am a furry, i have been one for 3 years now and i like to draw but i still need to get a tablet ><. I love Taniku, Kitsune, Ookami, and Neko. Music i like are Vocaloid, Rave music(party like furry rave), J-pop, and mostly any east asian music.

My friends on gaia i truely talk to to are Okami Ryuu my sister a white wolf she is very nice and friendly, she wont bite unless you make her mad. Okami Kaze a black wolf who is just like Ryuu those two get alone so well.

Remind me to add more to this biggrin

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SerenaKatz Report | 05/07/2015 4:32 pm
OmG I love it! biggrin
SerenaKatz Report | 05/07/2015 1:01 pm
Can you try doing glaceon next? I love that eeveelution it is just so beautiful smile
SerenaKatz Report | 05/07/2015 12:24 pm
Its mine as well I think vaporean is so cute and beautiful smile
SerenaKatz Report | 05/07/2015 11:24 am
omg! your vaporeon! biggrin
Ranukaidevilwolf Report | 03/09/2015 9:06 pm
So very true it's hard to entertain yourself on gaia nowadays, and almost all the old friends on gaia is gone and quit gaia and never returned to the site. Yes Roleplaying is pretty slow because people aren't online at the same time anymore, because they became really busy in RL now, and gaia became a money grabber site nowadays as well. The old gaia online was much better than the modern gaia now. everybody's character is splited into different sections of the roleplaying guilds.
Ranukaidevilwolf Report | 03/09/2015 8:54 pm
all I come on gaia for is to roleplay and sell items in the marketplace plus buy items that I have enough gold for and nothing else on the site. I don't even play the games on here anymore, so You just need to find something to interest you with entertainment on here.
Ranukaidevilwolf Report | 01/22/2015 12:53 am
alright Kyo night sleep tight, talk to you later.
Ranukaidevilwolf Report | 01/22/2015 12:22 am
that is very interesting to hear that it is hard to play.
Ranukaidevilwolf Report | 01/22/2015 12:11 am
it really seems like it, since Japan has a Nintendo Ds game for the attack on titan manga and the anime series. in the stores in japan.
Ranukaidevilwolf Report | 01/22/2015 12:02 am
yep that is true, plus the manga lasts longer then the anime version of the manga. Well attack on titan is a fab this year. So it will be everywhere sooner or later, but I bet japan is flooded with attack on titan merchandise and fans of the series.
Ren Okami
Ookami Hoshiko
Fox Ninga Kyoushiro
Silver Fox Ookami
Soulis Wolf
Kumiho Gitsune

Okami ne my sister who is a White wolf


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