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welcome madara's pro the gates of the sharingan realm
trust me u dont wanna see that picture if u do i'm not what ur thinking
looks like sasuke's copying a kung fu movie move
my dude naruto knocking the s**t out of diedara funny sasuke did the same thing!
simpson parody kinda good sasuke kinda look like himself so does the rest of well snake until they get their robes from akatsuki this is probably in the beginning of the sasuke saga thing
evil and ambitious eyes of sasuke
sasuke stands for any battle with the help of the CURSE MARK!
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Sasuke stops for a second.
"Isn't there a quicker way to get to Konoha then this?"
keeping a cautious pace, and a few steps behind you, in case you try anything funny
Well then shall we?
well then we shall go after him
we wont hold back
and I want his Head
-he grts his teeth together,in a frustrated manner-
I dont want to let Itachis death be un called for