ah~ i dont think i made it for the next semester so I'll be looking for work xD im changing courses next year YAY! free time
AND OMFG! *_* Im going if you, Julz and some pplz are going! looooookkksss awweeeesssoommmmee
are you joining that art contest thing? =D
oh hush you XD ! ah yeah lol my bad...the summary seemed a little like the first season RAWRZ!
and yes i think they did...my bro watched it...hmmm i guess they just remastered dbz..nothing fancy just changed the opening :S
AND lol about that death note ROFL that rumor was like a year ago XD hahahahaha they just assumed he would fit coz of his hair..he does look like that blonde guy O.O; but his personality doesnt fit! hahahha
HELL YEA! gundam 00 was more interesting than i thought O.O; seriously...it's like Gundam Wing and Gundam Seed/Destiny put together BUT better =O -ish starting to go all Gundam freak mode-
RAWR! check out www.animeseason.com and click Hagane No Renkinjutsushi for the new FMA...and omg they made a new haruhi suzumiya series as well =.=; why are the remaking old animes?! DBZ is also remade as well....UGH!
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