First things First!
You can call me Flying, or Boner.
It doesn't really bother me. : D
I've been on Gaia for a good 2 years now.
My Gaiaversary is on September 19th.
I wont donate to people I dont know...
So dont ask unless I know you.
I'm not rich. But I'm not poor.
I try to make it in gaian life by:
Vending, Exchanging, Hoarding, and Betting in the best place ever, BMC.
I'm mainly an exchanger.
Don't ask me how to do things or how I got so rich.
If I found out my self, you can do it too!
Don't spam me with some idiotic attempt to hack me.
It's annoying! and your just losing your time.
As of now I'm on a Hiatus for now.
I need to focus on school and other things for now.
I'll check up every once in a while.
But I wont come on like I used to. : [
Now that's enough about my gaian life. Lets talk about me.
My name is _____. I'm ______. years old.
I put the blanks there for a reason.
I will tell you that information only if I know you.
The net is not safe enough to put your info out like that.
My birthday is on February 25th, ____. The year isn't important.
I'm a guy if you don't know. I'm straight. I go to school.
I'm single ;] but not looking on here lol.
I'm hispanic. but I act black. and I go to a white school. xDDD
I live somewhat in the ghetto. It's not that bad.... lol
I have 3 best friends, I name them in no specific order.
Mike, Phillip, Elsy. These are awesome people.
If anything happened to them, I don't know what I would do!!! DDD:
I like literate people. Complete Illiteracy is annoying.
If you talk like D!z then please dont post anything on here. Just read. if you can.
And for the rest of you, Thanks for reading. : D
Even though I doubt you guys actually read this. Oh well.
Updated 9/5/19
[b:1de1fe3b95] Hi. :][/size:1de1fe3b95][/b:1de1fe3b95][/align:1de1fe3b95]
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