My name's Erin.
Name: Erin
Birthday: September 27th
Current Location: USA
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: it's dyed red
Height: 5'3"
Right Handed or Left Handed: rightie
Your Fears: Spiders, needles
Thoughts First Waking Up: 'well that was weird'
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I wanna RP so baaaad. I have so many ideas in my head, and I know you have s**t floating around your noggin too, just like the old days. BREAK THE DAM. LET IT FLOWWWW~
Please? emotion_kirakira emotion_kirakira
I'm serving slices at a Pizza shop.
And its not all that great having a job,
Your really tired.
Pretty boring... >>
I got a job xD
But my anime reader siite got shut down,
So now I have to go the worse more complicated manga reader site,
And its annoying...
Anime is the way to go xD.