[.~Moo Ima squirrel?~.]
Name: Katie/bunny/flame
Age: ask me
Obbsesion?: yo face
Hey, whats up people of gaia? My name is Katie and I love to rock, be random, play on gaia, text, sk8 (even though im not good ^^.) ,hang out with my friends and I love to make people laugh. I will do just about anything to make you laugh. You will have to pm me to find out more about me because I dont want to type more. xD Peace for now!
Some details-
favorite color: red/orange
favorite food: sushi
favorite type of music: Rock
favorite type of movie: Anything funny ^^
favorite animal: I like them all
favorite song at the moment: Fall for you - Secondhand serenade
favorite bands: 3 days grace, secondhand serenade, green day, all-american rejects, simple plan, linkin park, afi
favorite color hair: black
favorite color of eyes: green ^^
favorite fruit: watermelon or mango
favorite element: FIRE!
How I look because I cant find a camra-
Hair color: red-brown
Eye color: light blue
hieght: 5"2
u say rap- i say f*** u
you say joe bros- I say HELL NO!
u say Hannah Montana- I say LINKIN PARK!
u say Zac Efron- I say hes gay
u say rap- I say ROCK!
u say I'm Weird- I say SO! Normal is boreing.
92% of teens have switched to rap
IF UR one of the 8% or teens that still head bangs and <3 real music, then copy and paste this into ur profile
A guy and a girl were speeding 69mph on a motorcycle.
Girl: Slow down Im scared.
Guy: No this is fun.
Girl: No its not please its too scary.
Guy: Then tell me you love me.
Girl: I love you, slow down.
Guy: Now give me a big hug. She gave him a hug.
Guy: Can you take off my helmet and put it on yourself its bothering me.
In the newspaper the next day A motorcycle had crashed into a building because of break failure. Two people were on it only one survived. The truth was that halfway down the road the guy realized that the breaks were broken he didnt want the girl to know. Instead he had her hug him and tell him she loved him one last time. Then he had her put his helmet on so that she would live even if it meant he would die. If you would do the same for a person you love copy this in your profile
__O______ O_____
Put this pic on ur profile if you like skating or support it... SKATING ROCKS!!
0000000__0000000 0___000000000
____000__000___000__000______ Copy And Paste
____000__000___000__000______ If You think
0000000__000___000__000______ Three Days Grace
0000000__000___000__000__0000 OWNS!!
____0 00__000___000__000___000
0000000__00000000___0 00000000
Now, some random quizs i took:
What Creature are you?My Results:

Ookami, The Wolf You’re smart, and quite social. Your ok with groups, but would rather be the leader. Your stubborn and outgoing, always doing dangerous things just for the rush. In battles you rely on strength and willpower alone, and are always willing to protect your loved ones. You mostly prefer the night over day.
What celestial choir do you resonate?Which death note character are you??My Results:

You are L!!!!! you are very smart, but some people think you're kinda wierd. you enjoy sweets & you also hate to lose.

You are fire! You like drawing, are funny and crazy and love laughing. You could laugh at the unfunniest things...but that's good! You are creative and a realist.
Go figure. My favorite color is red. xD
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