HIYA XION HEREok so i got some dream avis here if u guys can help then ull be my bestes buddy
ok so here they r
52,726,360 Gold this is the last 1 that cost this much
ok so now on to well me
i like any music but metal srry jordan babie lol but i mostly like goth
si love to draw and i love to play video games my fav video game is kingdom hearts (like u couldnt tell lol)
im taken by jordan babie LOVE U
anyway i like any anime but naritu srry naritu fans just dont like it that much
I just adopted a Chibi!
Likes mad ion,sk8ter2234,likes to hang out with ppl
Doesn't Like: mean ppl,orgization 13 and bad sea salt icecream
Owner:me sk8ter2234
You can adopt one too!
Adopt me!
I just adopted a Neko!
Likes:kiari and friends
Doesn't Like: mean ppl and orginazation 13
You can adopt one too!
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I Adopted a White Fox!
Name: zay
Loves:icecream,me and my friends
No Loves:mean ppl and ppl who hurts me
You wanna Adopt one???
Adpot One!
I got a Neko!
Name: zora
Likes:me,my friends and nice ppl
Dislikes:ppl who hurts other ppl and bad friends
Owner: me
Nickname: sora bora
Adopt one siwwy head.
Adopt a cweature
LOOK!!! I adopted a kingdom hearts!!!
Likes:me and my frineds
Dislikes surprised rginization 13 and ppl who hurt me or my friends
DUDE!! Adopt one too!!!
I just adopted a Neko!
Name: roxas
Likes:axel,sea salt icecream, his friends
Doesn't Like: oginization 13,and ppl who hate him
Owner: me
You can adopt one too!
I just adopted a Neko!
Name: riku
Likes: me,xion and friends
Doesn't Like: the orginazation 13 and ppl who hat him or his firends
Owner:me of corse
You can adopt one too!
Adopt me!
LOOK!!! I adopted a neko!!!
Name: xyau zu
Likes: darkness(like me) and he friends(who r goth etc.)
Dislikes: the light and ppl who r mean to me and her friends and her
Owner: me
DUDE!! Adopt one too!!!
srry but heres another dream avi thats almost done
i mostly need that avi done right now because im hav half of the things but i need more of my stuff
Name mad uanu
Likes:cookies blood hot guys and her friends
Dislikes:noobs nerds and twillight
Owner: me
Adopt Yours
I Adopted a Chibi!
Likes:cookies,seasalt icecream,xion and me and his friends xD
Dislikes:the orgi,bad seasalt icecream and ppl who try to kill his friends
Wanna adopt a chibi?
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