Hey, I love online chats. So if your reading this, talk to me lol. Anyways, I'm doing winterguard right now. I'm in band. I play the clarinet and oboe. I love the color black but im not emo or goth. I love to chew gum lol. My favorite games areWorld of Warcraft, the sims 2, guild wars, and some others. If you play an online game tell me because i might know you O.o. I like the books hoot, among the hidden, white fang, the outsiders, a child called it, and some others. My favorite tv shows are, futurama, robot chicken, and family guy. My favorite movies are, jaws, cars, pirates of the caribbean (1,2,3) robots, and any thing else i guess.
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I like the clouds.
I want to sit on one...
I'm im your profile!!!!!!
if u read the profile it says i mafe another try to pass it to my friends