♥♪Discribing Me♥♪sex:im a chick
orientation: n/a
status: Separated.... D:>
height:about 5"4... and a HALF
current job: umm.... none ^-^
mood: pending (im kinda moody and very honest ^-^)
body type: sorta athletic i guess....
motto: "I'll never sing of love because it does not exsist..."
fav saying: I know the world's a broken bone. . . but melt ur headaches and call it home.
~~~~~~~~~~~~Things About Me~~~~~~~~~~~
1)i am a dorkasaurus . . . REX
2)my real name is Desiree ( xp )
4)i wanna b in a BAND (one day)
5)i haven't cut since August '09! (accomplishment!)
6)i love to draw
7)i love to read
cool i will happily be alone forever gonk lol
9)i act silly and hyper sometimes
10)i im not ALWAYS happy! though i try to be for you....
11)i accept ANY orientation
12)i love yaoi couples (sue me ^-^)
13)i HATE naruhinas! (>.<)
14)I LOVE SASUKE UCHIHA! (but shikamaru's funnier!)
15)i love screamo/alternative (and anything else that sounds good)
16)i love all emo ppl (if ur emo gives u a big hug everytime u read this)
17)i love hugs! (only wierdos DON'T right? also the socially awkward who we love despite that and hug them anyway)
1 cool i no 4 a fact emo couples NEVER last! (not just for suicidak reasons)
19)i love anime (who doesn't?... HATERS lol)
20)i play guitar (i suck)
21)i don't play vid games much ( i SUCK at them . . )
22)i don't care much 4 emo/anime/gay haterz ( THEY ARE MEAN!)
23)i love PANIC! AT The Disco ( and many other random bands!)
24)im bringing moderartely attracticve back!
25)i hate my life ( i wrote a song about it lol)
26)i love gerard way ( SOOOO much and his daughter Bandit!)
27)my three fav naruto characters r naruto sasuke and shikamaru
2 cool i hate the holidays ( i never get any good presents)
30) i luv Papa Roach (they CAN'T write a bad song)
31) i h8 (and i mean LOATHE) New York(4rm i luv new york)
32) eggs SUCK! (ewwwwww >.<)
33)i LOVE french fries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the only food i LOVE!
34)im weird but tolerable
35) im part metal (My DAD was a metal head!!! *i never knew*)
36) im really funny!!!! most of the time
37) i know how to make any situation awkward (its a gift)
3 cool i go crazy over good music (tottally NANAS!)
39) i am a hermit (but THATS okay!)
40) i am a NERD!!! (3.0 average for the most part lol)
41) i am imaginative
42) theres NEVER nothing to do on the computer!
well i'll add more as soon as i think of more ok!♥♥♥♥ thanx 4 reading♥♥♥♥
ai shiteru means "I love U" in japanese
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