About me...
I am a bit different, but then.. we are all 'different' just like everybody else, right? The irony is that while most would call me a freak, or more crude names im sure, I really am almost just like everyone else. I hide behind persona's just like every other human. My personal life or views are only shared with friends or on this page, dont ask my opinion unless you want a honest answer. I will defend a friend if they are hurting, im not a complete monster.. I just dont make friends well. Am i going to listen to some petty sob story when i dont really care? Dont waste the time typing it.Am I a jerk? Most days, yes. Still want to talk? Baby, your one of a kind.
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Sooo I have a bit to fill you in on, and you had better dish a little info yourself or I swear I will find a good threat to scare you with.
Soo.. How is the shoulder, healing up ok?